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  1. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    experiences over time for older LGBTQ+ people should be captured and understood, and so appropriate actions can be developed to assist them to more confidently access the services and support that they need. Priorities ... conditions. This does not adequately cover wider mental health needs in older people. Older LGBTQ+ people can be disproportionally affected by mental health issues, which also need care and support for in later

  2. Health services and the NHS policy statement - May 2016[1].pdf

    specialist attention”. On the other hand, when admission does occur, often as an emergency, there can be a tendency to seek out and treat every other possible condition – something which may be neither ... right in delivering health care, and driving up standards and quality to ensure older people in Wales can be confident they will receive dignified care in all settings. Summary of Public Policy Proposals

  3. Supporting you Bookmark(ew5).pdf

    1128436 ©Age Cymru 2017 Advocacy: Supporting you to be informed, heard and involved An advocate can help you to: 08000 223 444 advocacy Creating an age friendly Wales Ddeall beth

  4. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_quiz.pdf

    1. What can be found roasting on an open fire in ‘The Christmas song’, sung by Nat King Cole? 2. Which fruit was traditionally put in a Christmas stocking? 3. Which hot drink do the characters sing about

  5. Friendship call registration form.docx

    like to hear from us, please tick or circle - by post [  ] email [  ] telephone [  ] all [  ] You can unsubscribe at any time. Call 029 2043 1555 email or tick / circle this

  6. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    considers how the law in England and Wales should regulate deprivations of liberty involving people who lack capacity to consent to their care and treatment arrangements. The current Deprivation of Liberty ... The starting point for reform of the DoLS must be to protect and promote the human rights of those who are deemed to lack capacity. • While there is undoubtedly a case for reform of the current system we

  7. 20170324Draft-dementia -action-plan.pdf

    diversion of people with dementia away from residential care, to be deemed cost-effective3. Wales can learn from the experience of Belfast, where diagnosis rates are higher than elsewhere in the United ... than just memory loss. 3 Long standing issues with the short term funding of dementia services can leave people feeling vulnerable and isolated when a service is withdrawn. There is a pressing need

  8. CRS_Oct15_Primary_Care_Public_Health_Inquiry.pdf

    Richmond Group of Charities set out in What is preventing progress?, “effective prevention strategies can deliver short as well as longer term benefits to individuals, communities, health services and the ... number of steps that can be taken throughout the life course, including in older age, to ensure we stay well and healthy for longer. Equally, with the right support, those of us who do live with longterm

  9. Keeping well at home.pdf

    Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Keeping well at home There are number of things that people can do to help stay mentally and physically well whilst at home. As a ‘Friend’ you could help the person ... supporting be aware of what could help them stay fit and well. Exercise If the person you’re supporting can’t leave the house, it’s still important for their physical and mental health, to keep moving. Whether

  10. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    favourite stories and family memories I didn’t even know – who would have thought that Dad enjoyed Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles! Thank you to Laura who obviously put Dad at ease and made him feel valued as ... guidance was often difficult to obtain. Some residents told us that they felt overprotected by staff who were wanting to keep them safe and away from news reports. Facilitator: She told me that the staff

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