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  1. Public health approach to gender based violence - Age Cymru consultation response April 2023.pdf

    crime data may underestimate the volume of violent crimes against older people as unconscious bias can mean that a criminal justice 1 Age UK article December 2022 New data on domestic abuse in older people ... older generations of older people, feelings of shame or the normalisation of abuse over many years can be additional barriers to help seeking. As such, the volume of abuse of older people may still be an

  2. CRS_Dec14_Health_select_committee_inquiry_end_of_life_care.pdf

    approaching the end of life. Not in terms of stopping treatments, but changing priorities so that people can have as good a quality of life for as long as possible. 1.4. Improving end of life care is central ... NHS will care for people who are dying, yet training in end of life care remains poor. Geriatricians can deliver a wide range of care to people at the end of life, yet are not always included in considerations

  3. Cardiovascular Exercises.pdf

    throughout  Try not to stamp the feet, but make sure the full foot goes back down to the floor each time HEEL DIGS AND TOE TAPS  Stand tall or sit up tall in the front third of the chair  Lengthen ... throughout  Try not to stamp the feet, but make sure the full foot goes back down to the floor each time SIDE TAPS  Stand tall or sit up tall in the front third of the chair  Step feet alternately out

  4. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    Cymru wedi gwneud dros 6,070 o alwadau tawelu meddwl i bobl hŷn yng Nghymru ers lansio'r fenter Sgwrs Sut Hwyl ar ddydd Llun 23 Mawrth, mewn ymateb i gyngor y llywodraeth ar ynysu ac ymbellhau cymdeithasol ... cymdeithasol. Mae ein gwasanaeth yn galluogi'r rhai hynny dros 70 oed, sy'n byw ar eu pen eu hunain i dderbyn galwad ffôn rheolaidd gan yr Elusen er mwyn ateb ymholiadau sylfaenol, cysylltu pobl â gwasanaethau

  5. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    who responded, only single-digit number heard about it in person, by phone or through the post What motivated people? Older survey respondents Younger survey respondents  11 out of 41 respondents ... older person respondent had never previously used technology  After completing the classes or event (i) up to 6 older people remained uncomfortable with aspects of using a computer and (ii) up to 3 people

  6. CRS_Aug15_WP_Committee_Welfare_to_Work.pdf

    stable and secure job and can retire on their own terms, others are less fortunate and get pushed out of work through no fault of their own. For this group, returning to work can be extremely difficult with ... unemployed over 50s spending, on average, longer out of work than unemployed people in younger age groups.i Older workers experience a range of barriers that are either directly or indirectly related to their

  7. RB_June14_Mercer_Improving_income_retirement_recently_retired.pdf

    Age UK to identify actions that can be taken by recent retirees to improve their financial resilience throughout retirement. Questions we were asked to consider are: • What is your recipe for financial resilience ... of low interest rates on savings. What is the role of tax incentives? • How should recent retirees optimize their income from pension pots and other savings? • How can retirement products better meet the

  8. RB_Summer13_Economic_Monitor_Report.pdf

    Economic Tracker Summer 2013 1 Contents Key insights 2 Background 3 Indicators 4 Dashboard 6 What older people say about their current economic situation 8 Analysis of the implications of a cap on ... In this issue we report the results from the first wave of a new Age UK Economic Survey, showing what older people think about their current economic situation. This is presented alongside a dashboard

  9. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    pitch). In other cases, people with dementia have been discharged by their consultant as nothing more can be done to improve their condition – so they cannot produce a consultant's letter as proof of their ... allowed to fill in an application form. Inconsistency of approach creates uncertainty for applicants and can mean that those who need accessible parking are being denied blue badges. In addition, as council services

  10. CRS_July16_Mental_wellbeing_independence_for_older_people.pdf

    people’s independence and wellbeing. Key points and recommendations Age UK’s detailed comments can be seen in the NICE proforma below. Key points from our response include:  Recognising the importance ... age-friendly and dementia-friendly approaches;  Removing the reference to “premature ageing” which can reinforce stigma around ageing and health;  Acknowledging the impact of frailty on older people’s

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