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  1. IICSA Presentation Advocacy Conference 2019 .pdf

    Advocacy Conference Public Hearings Public Hearings Key facts about the Inquiry ● Set up in 2015 to investigate organisations and institutions that have failed to protect children from sexual abuse ● Led by Chair ... Ivor Frank and Drusilla Sharpling CBE ● Supported by a Victims and Survivors’ Consultative Panel ● Independent of government ● Does not have the power to convict people of criminal offences, determine civil

  2. FAW 2019. Take Action Today- patient table cv (2).pdf

    12 months or more since you had a medication review? Contact your pharmacist/ chemist for a medication usage review. This is a free service Eyesight Do you struggle to see objects around you? Have you ... Contact your optician to book your eye examination Fear of falling Have you suffered from some ‘near misses’ and do you fear falling? Speak to your GP who may be to refer you to a falls service At home

  3. Advocacy Newsletter Dec 2019 - Eng SM.pdf

    Cymru have produced a DVD regarding Advocacy Awareness. They also have a new Advocacy Resources Hub to access for further information. Social Care Wales has produced a link for a Dementia Care Resource ... overmedication in groups of vulnerable people. Golden Thread Advocacy Programme (GTAP) has produced a DVD about Advocacy Awareness in two particular situations. Determining the need for Advocacy with

  4. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    presents a prediction of the prevalence of loneliness among people aged 65 or over across small geographical units in England. It uses data from the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA) survey to obtain ... obtain predictors of loneliness and to test for the presence of spatial neighbouring effects (i.e. spatial dependence). The results are applied to data from the Census 2011 to predict the prevalence of loneliness

  5. Insights_Report -Age_and_Dementia-Friendly_Gymnastics_Programme_Evaluation_Findings.pdf

    Foundation, at The British Gymnastics Foundation has developed a gymnastics chair-based exercise programme that has been piloted in two residential care homes and one ... terms of relevance to music, social participation and adherence to structured activity for the current generation of older people in Britain. The programme has been specifically designed to be interactive

  6. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    careers. However, although in some circumstances this may seem intuitive, there is actually no evidence to reinforce this view. The idea that older workers are crowding younger workers out of the labour market ... derivation of the ‘lump of labour fallacy’, which refutes the idea that there is only a fixed amount of work in the economy to be shared out. This briefing examines the evidence on this topic, demonstrates that

  7. Terms and Conditions

    Legal information Age Cymru Age Cymru is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, (registered charity number 1128436 and registered company number 6837284). Registered office: Ground ... number 272786) merged on 1 April 2009 to form Age Cymru. Age UK provides Age Cymru with a website hosting service. This means that Age UK provides connectivity and space on a server owned by Age UK for use by

  8. Age Matters

    Welcome to our quarterly newsletter, Age Matters. We're delighted to bring you our Summer 2024 Edition. Please click on the newsletter to read on the screen, we'd recommend clicking on Fullscreen. You ... You can also find a version to download directly underneath each newsletter. Age Matters - Summer 2024 edition Previous editions Age Matters - Spring 2024 edition Age Matters - Winter 2023 edition Age Matters

  9. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form.pdf

    Order form Select the number of free publications you wish to order using the form below and complete your details overleaf. There’s no limit to the amount you can order and postage and packaging is free ... Winter wrapped up L57W Staying steady IG14 Healthy living IG24 Healthy eating IG38 Staying cool in a heatwave IL1 Health and wellbeing: Preventative measures Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Age

  10. Maniffesto 2021.pdf

    byw yn ddiogel, yn rhydd o wahaniaethu ac yn cymryd rhan weithredol yn eu cymuned; mae a wnelo ein prif bryder â’r bobl hynny sydd bellaf oddi wrth brofi neu wireddu bywyd diweddarach da. Mae yna wahaniaethau ... gwell nag eraill. Ar hyn o bryd, mae bywyd hyd yn oed yn fwy cyfyngedig a llwm i’r rhai sydd ar begwn llai dethol y sbectrwm, a dyma’r bobl hŷn y poenwn fwyaf amdanynt. Yn etholiad y Senedd rydym eisiau

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