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  1. CRS_Jan12_rural_policy_functions.pdf

    anything more, or different, the RCPU should be doing to ensure fair, practical and affordable outcomes can be achieved on behalf of rural residents, business and communities? The government has set out three ... targeted approaches to social isolation in rural areas. Deprivation and isolation in rural areas can be masked due to the disparity in different households’ financial and social positions. On average

  2. Independent Professional Advocacy ENGLISH - March 2020.pdf

    their care and support. Similarly, advocacy is one of the examples specified in section 34(2)(e) of what may be provided or arranged to meet individuals’ care and support needs under sections 35 to 45 of ... contact. The Code states: 47. Local authorities must arrange for the provision of an IPA when a person can only overcome the barrier(s) to participate fully in the assessment, care and support planning, review

  3. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 7(e1).pdf

    (Wales) Act 2014 (The Act), which have now increased from four to 20 local authority areas at the time the survey was undertaken. Of particular concern for Age Cymru remains the continued fall in the number ... future. Acknowledgements Age Cymru are grateful to all of the advocacy service providers who took time to complete the online survey and to those who agreed to be contacted in order to get some more

  4. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    Age Cymru yn gweithio i ddatblygu a chyflawni newid cadarnhaol gyda phobl hŷn ac ar eu cyfer. Ein gweledigaeth yw Cymru sy’n ystyriol o oedran. Ein cenhadaeth yw gwneud bywyd yn well i bobl hŷn. Ynghyd â’n ... effeithio ar bobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru. Mae Cyngor Age Cymru wedi ymrwymo i fod y gwasanaeth gwybodaeth a chyngor mwyaf blaenllaw i bobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Ein nod yw darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor effeithiol

  5. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (w).pdf

    Gwella gofal cartref i bobl hŷn yng Nghymru Barn Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales Gofal cymdeithasol Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar © Age Cymru 2015 1 Ansawdd gofal cartref yng Nghymru Mae’r ddarpariaeth ... yn derbyn gofal am dros wyth mlynedd. Mae’n gaeth i gadair olwyn, mae ganddi ddiabetes ac mae wedi cael ileostomi. Cynyddwyd ei phecyn gofal dros gyfnod i dros 60 awr yr wythnos, gyda hanner yn cael ei ddarparu

  6. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    i Yn gynnes dros y gaeafAgeUKIG43 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Canllaw i gadw’n gynnes, diogel ac iach yn y gaeaf Iechyd a Lles ii Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf 1 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Gydag ... Gydag ychydig o baratoi, a thrwy ddilyn rhai awgrymiadau syml, gallwn helpu ein hunain i aros yn iach, yn ddiogel ac mor gyfforddus â phosibl y gaeaf hwn. Cynnwys Beth sydd yn y canllaw hwn 2 Paratoi am

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    While the terms ‘lesbian’ and ‘gay man’ may suggest a clear sexual orientation, in reality sexuality can be much more fluid in individual lives.1 Trans* (T*), which does not indicate sexual orientation, ... Alzheimer’s Australia (2014) Dementia, Transgender and intersex people: Do service providers really know what their needs are? 3 Musangarimi P (2008) Older gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the UK: A policy

  8. CRS_Oct14_Home_Office_Domestic_abuse_consultation.pdf

    definition a statutory one would bring diverse areas of work together to more effectively protect what we believe to be a potentially large number of hidden victims.  The wording of any proposed law needs ... particularly affected as what may be perceived as ‘low level’ individual incidents can, when part of a longstanding pattern of cumulative abusive behaviour, have consequences that can equal or surpass any

  9. CSR_May13_UNDESA_Call_for_input.pdf

    to be made and where protection must be reinforced and special measures taken so that older people can exercise their rights on an equal basis with others • Outline measures that States Parties must take ... old age and what it is to be an older person can vary across different social, religious or cultural contexts. • Recognises that as populations age, the social construction of old age and what it is to be

  10. CRS_April16_Submission_FCA_paper_on_ageing_population_and_financial_services.pdf

    Industry should ensure that its design processes are inclusive in order to ensure that older consumers can be served by mainstream products to the maximum extent possible.  FCA should lead the way by age-proofing ... trust in advisers decreases.  All stakeholders must remember that age is not just a single point in time. The market needs to ensure that products and services provide good outcomes for consumers not just

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