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  1. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    word-of-mouth recommendations and by using our care home data base, we were able to successfully in work with care homes to support them in using Zoom to connect with us. We needed to be sensitive and patient ... with told us that they had felt safe in the home where they live, they told us that care staff were working to protect them from the virus. Resident ‘We have to obey the rules here to keep us all safe.’

  2. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    uk/promisingapproaches-report). This report brought together what was known about support that appeared to work to help alleviate loneliness. A number of services were examined in detail, and the expertise and ... retired and a handful unemployed (4%) or in part-time work (1%). Table 7: Proportion of Older People by Occupation (n = 642) Retired Unemployed Part-time Work Occupation 95% 4% 1% Vinal K Karania Page

  3. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    limited by the high level of the cap and some of the administrative arrangements which complicate the working of the policy.  We are concerned that the high level of the cap means its overall benefit to those ... insufficient.  In our consultation events with many older people were not clear how the cap will work and which costs are included, even after a thorough briefing. To help people to understand what the

  4. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    bills, any Government should be careful about changing a system that is straightforward and that works well for the majority of pensioners who are on low or modest incomes. About Age UK Age UK offers

  5. IG52.pdf

    be affected, as it can be complicated. In Wales, contact your local Age Cymru. “I had to give up work to care for Mum. I was worried that if I claimed Carer’s Allowance it would stop her State Pension

  6. CRS_Oct14_Housing_standards_review_technical_consultation.pdf

    changes to the core standard applied to all homes, Part M of the building regulations. Age UK has worked closely with Habinteg Housing Association and we support their expert technical feedback to the current

  7. 20190829 Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Manual (Edition 3) Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead

  8. CRS_June16_JCHR_inquiry_Business_and_Human_Rights_submission.pdf

    everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship

  9. CRS_June16_Ofcom_broadband_USO.pdf

    should the USO be reviewed? (1.32) 22. The review process should look at the extent to which the USO works for ‘vulnerable’ and newly online households, as well as ‘typical households’. 6 23. The review ... the extent to which providers are delivering speeds as advertised. (We are aware of ongoing Ofcom work on this issue.17) One idea could be to oblige providers to give consumers a report on the speeds actually

  10. Talking_about_death_booklet_final_version.pdf

    Voluntary Sector Strategic Partner Programme, enabling voluntary and community sector organisations to work in equal partnership with the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England. June 2017 ... thing to say, or make a joke of it. Such reactions are very understandable – and you will know if it works for you and yours. Humour has an important place too, even in death. Dying is a profound process that

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