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  1. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack_wel.pdf

    canlynol, byddwch yn dod o hyd i wybodaeth ynglŷn â'r swydd Cadeirydd yn Age Cymru, ynghyd â manylion y broses ddethol i'ch cynorthwyo chi i gwblhau a theilwra'ch cais. Er mwyn gwneud cais, dylech gyflwyno: ... egluro pam fod gennych ddiddordeb yn y rôl hon gan fanylu sut ydych yn ymgeisydd da ar gyfer y swydd hon a sut ydych chi'n cyflawni'r fanyleb person - argymhellwn i chi gyfyngu hwn i ddwy dudalen;  Y ffurflen

  2. Age Cymru Arts in Care Homes Policy Paper August 2023.pdf

    Temporary Care 11 Evidence – Live Music Now 12 Evidence – Community Opportunities 12 What Care Home Staff Need to Deliver Creative Opportunities 13 Resources Currently Available 13 ... Wales is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and this strength is something that can be tapped for the positive effects it can bring to care home residents in Wales. The population of Wales is ageing

  3. Age Cymru - Why are we still waiting - Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023 - web.pdf

    12 Nature of calls to Age Cymru advice 13 Waits for assessments 15 Conversions from requests into a care plan 18 Waits for care to be in place 19 Communications 21 5. Addressing the issues 22 How local ... ten local authorities Comparison of ten local authority’s volume of completed assessments over a three year period 17 Comparison six individual local authority’s conversion rates from assessments

  4. CRS_May14_EHRC_consultation_age-supplement_2014.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations. It sets out the different ways in which it is unlawful to treat someone. Although

  5. CRS_April16_cms_energy_market_investigation.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 1. Introduction Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We help more than 5 million people every year

  6. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    Independent Professional Advocacy for Adults under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 A Framework and Toolkit Ministerial Foreword I am pleased to be able to introduce the National Framework ... to emphasise that securing strong voice, choice and control for individuals is a key principle of Welsh Government and this is clearly reflected in the recent legislation and policy we have introduced.

  7. IG38.pdf

    eating well Information and advice you need to help you love later life. We’re Age UK and our goal is to enable older people to love later life. We are passionate about affirming that your later years ... Age UK and contains general advice only, it should not be relied on as a basis for any decision or action and cannot be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Neither Age UK nor any of its

  8. Survey.pdf

    or disability, or issues related to growing older?  Yes  No If you answered No, the survey is not for you at this time, thank you. If you would like further information or support please see the ... person in the last 12 months? They may be provided by different organisations, such as a voluntary organisation, a private agency or social services.  Yes  No  Don’t Know Carer support groups

  9. RB_2013_Falls_Prevention_Guide.pdf

    applied in practice. Expert series To explain the research base for falls prevention exercise to give a better understanding of the programmes that have been shown to be effective in preventing falls. Clinical ... of evidence-based falls prevention exercise for older people and health and care services • Presents a range of services delivering to the evidence Amy Charters, Age UK Cate Gillingwater, Philip Hurst and

  10. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... study’. This report is an interim market review of property management in the leasehold sector and is accompanied by an Ipsos MORI survey of leaseholders. The main report sets out a range of issues affecting

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