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  1. IG05.pdf

    AgeUKIG05 Ways to protect yourself. Avoiding scams. 2 This information guide has been prepared by Age UK and contains general advice only, it should not be relied on as a basis for any decision or action ... accepts any liability arising from its use and it is the reader’s sole responsibility to ensure any information is up to date and accurate. Please note that the inclusion of named agencies, websites, companies

  2. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    encourages people to suggest their favourite poems, as well as creating something new from them. • Write down a well-known poem • Cut out each line • Put each line in a hat or bag • Ask someone to randomly pick ... line of poetry It can be scary looking at a blank page and trying to write a poem. This exercise gives people a good starting point to work from. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Words Birds Birds can

  3. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    health services for both hospital and GP appointments, while 78% of respondents said not being able to see friends and family was their biggest challenge. More than a 1,000 respondents completed the survey ... older people’s experiences in terms of what were the biggest worries, what worked well, and how we need to proceed as we look towards the challenges that winter will bring. Levels of loneliness and isolation

  4. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    Falls awareness education resource pack Key stage 2 2 Falls awareness education resource pack How to use this resource Falling over is a leading cause of injuries, especially among older adults, however ... can do to reduce the risks. This resource is designed to help children think about falling over, the impact that this could have on people, how they can support friends, relatives and loved ones to reduce

  5. Independent Professional Advocacy ENGLISH - March 2020.pdf

    professional advocacy for adults under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Supporting people to be informed, heard and involved 2 3 Introduction The Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy)1 (“the Code”) ... authorities to arrange provision of an Independent Professional Advocate (IPA) to facilitate the involvement of individuals in certain circumstances3. The aim is to help them overcome barriers to participating

  6. Advocacy Services in Newport.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Newport In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below ... act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health

  7. Shopping.pdf

    house of the person you’re supporting. 3. Leave food / goods outside on the doorstep. 4. Communicate to the person in isolation that you have delivered via message or phone call. Get confirmation that the ... delivery e.g. If it’s meant to be frozen, is it still frozen? 6. Recommend that recipients wash shopping wherever possible and wash their hands after touching it. 7. Remember to wash hands before and after

  8. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    businesses towards attracting and including older consumers is slow – many older people still struggle to access and navigate shops and other businesses. This results in exclusion and frustration for many ... many people, and wasted opportunities for businesses. Age UK is the UK’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. Our information and advice reached around 5.9 million people

  9. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe that older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services ... opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the

  10. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe that older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services ... opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the

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