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  1. Grant application and delivery support form.pdf

    difficulties coping after leaving the service and, in particular, accessing the health and social care they need to live a fulfilled life. Project 360° aims to ensure that services provided by project ... asking the question ‘Did you serve in the armed forces?’ and if relevant ‘Did the person look after/care for serve in the armed forces?’ as a standard question to those engaging with your organisation for

  2. Fair Work Commission call for evidence on fair work in Wales - November 2018.pdf

    practices are increasingly important to older workers and the economy as a whole because of increased caring responsibilities or health needs as the UK population becomes older. Some workers also indicate a ... factor to consider is the ‘family care gap’, as identified by the Institute for Public Policy Research.16 By 2017 there were predicted to be more people needing care than the number of adult children able

  3. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    without environmental or social barriers preventing our inclusion. 3. Well-being We have access to the care and support we need to for our wellbeing and to age as actively as we are able. 4. Financial inclusion ... life. Our Values Our values shape and guide the way we will seek to achieve our goals:  We are caring, we put people at the heart of what we do.  We are determined, we take responsibility for and pride

  4. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 7(e1).pdf

    for all individuals in Wales in certain circumstances including (but not exclusively) assessment, care planning, review and safeguarding. Nearly all Local Authorities have now commissioned services to ... to the advocacy qualification in Wales following a review of qualifications for health and social care and childcare by Qualifications Wales. The changes will come into effect from September 2020, although

  5. EnvisAGE14_cymraeg_web.pdf

    yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef iechyd gwael o ganlyniad i dai o ansawdd gwael ac mae’n disgrifio gwaith Care & Repair Cymru, sy’n cynorthwyo dros 30,000 o bobl hŷn y flwyddyn i fyw’n annibynnol, mewn cartref ... cael eu mesur drwy fywydau gwell ac iachach. 23 Mae Care & Repair Cymru yn elusen gofrestredig ac yn gorff cenedlaethol ar gyfer 13 asiantaeth Care & Repair sy’n gweithredu ledled Cymru. Bob blwyddyn,

  6. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    people and chatting to staff. As one person told us: ‘When you go shopping, you not only get out of the home, it’s good exercise, you walk and you meet different people when you go into the shop.’ (Male, Derby) ... lack of adequate toilets is a major issue for many people, affecting their confidence to leave their home and, in some cases, preventing them from doing so. Some people with disabilities need toilets with

  7. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    those who are married. Those with a degree as their highest educational qualification, owning one’s home outright and those who have ever worked show the lowest chances of being in receipt of the Pension ... Credit. Those who are married, have a degree as their highest educational qualification, own their home outright, report good health and have ever worked are less likely to be receiving the Pension Credit

  8. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    more likely to be towards the younger end of the age spectrum, this relates to the point above. Home ownership v. tenancy Tenants in our survey generally had less access to private pension income, and ... only four per cent and one per cent respectively considering this a motivation. Spending on their home (6%) was only slightly more likely to be cited. 42% of respondents question stated ‘none/nothing/I

  9. CRS_Dec13_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study.pdf

    geographic reach of bank branches continue to contract and access to products increasingly requires home internet access, more older people will find that even if they seek to proactively manage their savings ... secretariat for the APPG for Ageing and Older People 12 13 Survey conducted by the APPG in July 2012 on older

  10. IG57.pdf

    trouble getting to appointments, you can still get advice over the phone from the privacy of your own home. 6 What to expect from your appointment Appointments can vary depending on which debt advice service ... options for dealing with them. • Ask questions about your circumstances – such as whether you own your home – so they can understand your personal situation. • Give you the opportunity to explain your income

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