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  1. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 E FINAL.pdf

    advocacy. The impact on the wellbeing of clients and advocates had also been exacerbated by the lack of care packages and support from other services. These findings are consistent with responses to the Advocacy ... for all individuals in Wales in certain circumstances including (but not exclusively) assessment, care planning, review and safeguarding. Nearly all Local Authorities have now commissioned services to

  2. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 E FINAL 3.pdf

    advocacy. The impact on the wellbeing of clients and advocates had also been exacerbated by the lack of care packages and support from other services. These findings are consistent with responses to the Advocacy ... for all individuals in Wales in certain circumstances including (but not exclusively) assessment, care planning, review and safeguarding. Nearly all Local Authorities have now commissioned services to

  3. CRS_Nov12_Implementing_employee_owner_status.pdf

    We question the evidence used in the Government’s analysis. This may be due to the treatment of home working in the analysis – among older workers this is the most common form of flexible working and ... the Older Workforce. v The report can be found at:

  4. CRS_Nov17_women_and_equalities_select_committee.pdf

    help people evaluate their future career and learning options. o Increasing numbers of people have caring responsibilities, many of whom need greater support. o Training options are often few and far between ... realistically going to get back to work, for example where the individual has a health condition, a caring responsibility or is long-term unemployed. A key part of any reforms to the SPA must be to extend

  5. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    older people may require information and advice with regard to benefit entitlements, housing or social care options. “…taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their ... It can therefore be expected that the landscape of provision of information and advice on social care and social services in Wales will undergo changes in the next two years. Summary of public policy

  6. GE 2019 manifesto - English - Final version.pdf

    for those who are within three years of their State Pension Age (SPA) and unable to work due to caring responsibilities or illness • reverse this year’s change in Pension Credit rules that means that ... those who cannot carry on working into their mid-sixties and beyond due to poor health, disability, caring responsibilities, redundancy or unemployment. Fraud An older person is the victim of fraud in England

  7. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).docx

    and factsheets. These cover a wide range of subjects affecting older people in Wales and those who care for and support them and are available from our ... and support; andPerson-centred , meaning that we’ll put you at the heart of the situation, taking care to understand what matters to you, what you want to achieve and creating a planwith you, to help you

  8. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    transport as we now have a reduced train service so the trains will be crowded’ (Female with additional caring responsibilities, 65-69, Caerphilly) 1 Age Cymru (2021) Experiences of people aged 50 or over in ... drive may be crucial for older people to get out and about, access essential services such as health care, and reduce the risk of social isolation, particularly in rural areas. We believe that older people

  9. CRS_May17_ submission_to_CMA_on_DCT_market_study.pdf

    users may be unaware they are not seeing the whole market, and so may miss out on good deals. Multi-homing is unrealistic for many new or unconfident users. The CMA should look at possible solutions, including ... paying more than before. Examples include paying more for energy than expected due to losing the Warm Home Discount rebate or through inaccurate consumption estimates on the part of the DCT (better use of

  10. Grant application and delivery support form.pdf

    difficulties coping after leaving the service and, in particular, accessing the health and social care they need to live a fulfilled life. Project 360° aims to ensure that services provided by project ... asking the question ‘Did you serve in the armed forces?’ and if relevant ‘Did the person look after/care for serve in the armed forces?’ as a standard question to those engaging with your organisation for

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