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  1. Age Cymru IPA Appropriate Individual Booklet_E FINAL 12.3.20.pdf

    individual in relation to their care and/or support needs. Advocates which undertake this form of advocacy are referred to as an Independent Professional Advocate (IPA)”3. Paragraph 47 of the Code establishes how ... Code states: An individual’s wishes not to be supported by friends or family should be respected, where the individual has the capacity to consent, their wishes must be followed. An individual may not

  2. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    to particular groups. The energy and financial services industries are developing a more nuanced understanding of ‘vulnerability’ where people’s changing circumstances – such as bereavement – as well as ... Worryingly, this is not an exceptional event – we have seen regular flooding in recent years and are warned to expect more volatile weather in the coming years. With a growing population of older people

  3. FS72.pdf

    Factsheet 72 Advance decisions, advance statements and living wills April 2024 About this factsheet There are things you can do to make sure others know which medical treatments you would want to refuse and how ... called an advance decision or a ‘living will’) and an advance statement are two things you can do. This factsheet explains what they are, why you might want to prepare one or both, requirements for drawing

  4. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... circumstances that make them especially vulnerable to flooding and its effects. Many older people are in a position to be resilient to floods; that is, to prepare for them, minimise their effects and recover

  5. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... satisfaction, but this should not detract from the need to reveal and challenge unreasonable charges, where they occur. In some cases, it is only after a resident has died that relatives discover bad practice

  6. Advocacy Newsletter March Welsh 2020.pdf

    eiriolaeth. Erbyn hyn mae’r cyllid ar gyfer y rhaglen wedi dod i ben a bydd GTAP, fel y cyfeirir ato’n annwyl, yn cau’n swyddogol ar yr 31ain o Fawrth 2020. Hoffem fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i bawb ... syniadau a’r arbenigedd o fewn tîm GTAP, sydd wedi rhoi amser o’u dyddiau prysur i weithio gyda ni ar ddatblygu nifer enfawr o gyhoeddiadau, adnoddau, strategaethau, fideos, cronfeydd data, taflenni, ac

  7. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    products, training and research. Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI launched at the same time. There are also more than 160 local Age UKs. Date of publication: 2012 Copyright Age UK ISBN 978-0-9568731-3-2 ... to leading an active and independent life. The national bus concession means people in later life are able to reach key services, friends and family without making difficult financial choices. The concession

  8. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    guides that are available free of charge from Age Cymru Advice. Key benefits and entitlements at a glance Our Help with heating costs guide explains all the various initiatives that are available to ... possible. There are also vaccines available for pneumococcal and shingles for some people. Contact a registered heating engineer to service your heating system and check that smoke detectors are working properly

  9. Fuel Poverty policy statement - October 2017.pdf

    Wales1. This represents a 7% decrease since 2012. Older people are the group most likely to suffer from fuel poverty. On average there are around 1,600 excess winter deaths each year in Wales. An estimated ... that affected older people more seriously than other age groups, however at the root of many deaths are cold, badly insulated homes. Evidence on fuel poverty in Wales remains patchy. The most recent official

  10. Age Cymru Welsh - Evaluation report.pdf

    artistiaid o breswylwyr Gwerthusiad DSDC Cymru ar ran Age Cymru Ni chefais amser mor dda ers noson fy mhriodas. Cyhoeddwyd Hydref 2017 Adroddiad llawn ar gael yn: I gyfeirio’r ... The Baring Foundation Rhagair Ers 2010, mae Sefydliad Baring wedi canolbwyntio ei raglen gelfyddydol ar waith cyfranogol gyda phobl hŷn - heneiddio creadigol. Rydym yn falch o fod mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor

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