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  1. CWTSH Keep yourself Safe and Well CUDDLE_- FINAL.pdf

    Healthy 01639 617 333 We can help. Get help if you need it Keep yourself Safe and Well Falling at home can cause serious injuries, change your life, and damage your ... your health. Talking about it and doing something to avoid it happening can make a difference. Keeping Safe and Active Are we staying active? Are we doing something simple every day, like walking or exercising

  2. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Cym.pdf

    Credyd Pensiwn, yn ei hawlio. Independent Age (2019) Credit where it’s due: Ending the £3.5 billion Pension Credit scandal report: 26 June 2019

  3. Self Assessment Form For Providers English.pdf

    Key points that we would like to underline:  This tool is for you to use in an iterative way. It can be adapted and revisited as time passes  We suggest you complete it in collaboration with your team ... 1 It builds on the work of SCIE and IPC in England who produced a similar self-assessment tool for independent advocacy – see

  4. English 3 DRAFT Self Assessment Tool - Providers - 4 11 16 - final.docx

    Act.Key points that we would like to underline: This tool is for you to use in an iterative way. It can be adapted and revisited as time passes We suggest you complete it in collaboration with your team ... of the boxes. Table 1: Self A ssessment scoring guide for providers ASSESSMENT RANGE OF SCORE THAT CAN BE GIVEN WHAT THIS SCORE MEANS? Good Green Between 76 and 100 You have good evidence to suggest that

  5. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    Summary People who face discrimination are at the sharp end of inequality and poverty. The Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has brought these inequalities into stark relief and those of us who are most negatively ... that people’s rights are upheld and that they are respected as individuals who are listened to and understood irrespective of who they are or any health condition or diagnosis they may have. Advocacy has

  6. CRS_June15_Cabinet_Office_Public_Service_Ombudsman.pdf

    treatment for those who are digitally or socially excluded. 3 Introduction Age UK welcomes proposals to reform the system for handling complaints about public services. It is clear from those who contact us that ... effective resolution in which citizens have confidence, and a system from which public service providers can learn, we would add the following:  The Ombudsman should have jurisdiction over all relevant public

  7. FS62.pdf

    Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). These relate to people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions about their care and treatment, and who are deprived of their liberty in a care home or hospital ... the procedures and protections required once someone has been deprived of their liberty, and what can be done if there are concerns about a deprivation of liberty. Further information about mental capacity

  8. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    uphold an individual’s fundamental right to be safe, to minimise vulnerability, and to support those who have experienced abuse or neglect. Legislation is an essential component of safeguarding adults; ... in the care and support of older people. Independent advocacy can help to redress the power imbalance that occurs in abuse situations and can enable the person to take back some control. In order to deliver

  9. GCBH_Sleep-Brain-Connection.pdf

    convened by AARP with support from Age UK to offer the best possible advice about what older adults can do to maintain and improve their brain health. GCBH members come together to discuss specific lifestyle ... into their lives. We know that many people across the globe are interested in learning what they can do to maintain their brain health as they age. We aim to be a trustworthy source of information, basing

  10. Towards a future vision for General Practice response - October 2018.pdf

    from them. The National Survey for Wales (which surveys people aged 16+) reported that: 92% of those who had seen a GP in the previous 12 months were satisfied with the care they received at the last visit ... what they wanted to discuss. Length of appointment time is also an issue. Inability to access GPs can increase pressure on Emergency Departments and the Auditor General’s last report on unscheduled care

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