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  1. Age Cymru Hope Project A5 Volunteers Flyer NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - updated Dec 23.pdf

    You can help people to:  Have their views, wishes and feelings listened to  Get the right support when they need it  Understand their options and choices  Access services like doctors, housing ... uchod. ©Age Cymru 2023 Dilynwch ni ar: Gallwch helpu pobl i:  Sicrhau bod eu barn, dymuniadau a theimladau’n cael eu clywed  Cael y math cywir o gymorth pan

  2. CRS_May17_Provision_support_adult_carers.pdf

    that outlines who and what it will cover (available online here). Age UK welcomes this guideline as a positive step towards improving carer’s practical and emotional support so they can continue to make a ... the care and support of a loved one. Key points and recommendations Age UK’s detailed comments can be seen in the NICE proforma below. Key points from our response include:  Recognising that many

  3. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    Citing this report: Melzer D, Tavakoly B, Winder R, Richards S, Gericke C, Lang, I. Health Care Quality for an Active Later Life: Improving quality of prevention and treatment through ... 2012 PCMD Ageing Research Group, University of Exeter. All rights reserved. i Health care quality for an active later life i Acknowledgements This report was written by Professor David Melzer, Dr Behrooz

  4. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    Citing this report: Melzer D, Tavakoly B, Winder R, Richards S, Gericke C, Lang, I. Health Care Quality for an Active Later Life: Improving quality of prevention and treatment through ... 2012 PCMD Ageing Research Group, University of Exeter. All rights reserved. i Health care quality for an active later life i Acknowledgements This report was written by Professor David Melzer, Dr Behrooz

  5. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    The complexity of the mixture of public, private and third sector care services means that change can not happen everywhere at once. Achieving this aim will be partially informed by the remaining lifetime ... with market and workforce stability. The cost savings of reducing the volume of delayed discharge can then be used to help drive improvements in health and social care services, some of which will be improved

  6. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    illness. During the years spent caring for her husband, Anna had little time to socialise and lost touch with many of her friends. Over time Anna’s own health and wellbeing suffered. In 2013, Age UK secured ... have lost someone close to them.‘It’s absolutely amazing to get out into the countryside on my bike. I’ve stopped the sleeping tablets. The anti-depressants are next.’ In 2014/15, our fit for the future

  7. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    Of all older workers who are unemployed, nearly 47 per cent have been so for more than a year.i It can be very difficult or even impossible for these people to move back into work, often because of ... ending in 2016, the DWP will soon begin designing ‘Work Programme 2’. It is not yet known exactly what this will constitute. It is particularly important that our recommendations are considered in the

  8. CRS_Aug17_Age UK's_response_to_DWP_social_fund_funeral_payments_consultation.pdf

    position where they are left with a shortfall. A local Age UK adviser told us that clients he helps can often be left with costs to meet. Some seek charitable support, but others have to arrange a payment ... change. As noted in the consultation paper, there are a number of reasons why people may need more time during the difficult period after a bereavement. Question 4 – shorter application forms for children’s

  9. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    choices and views. Independent advocacy services can play an important role by helping people to have a voice and regain control in difficult situations. It can help secure their rights and represent their ... Government and local authorities must recognise that an ‘all-adult’ approach to tendering for services can be inappropriate and may fail to deliver for older people. Where an ‘all-adult’ generic information

  10. For The Moment - summary of findings from older carers

    because they don’t know what’s available, are reluctant to seek external help for either themselves of the person they care for, or don’t have the time. Others said that they feel that

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