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  1. Down_Memory_Lane_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    Page 1 of 33 DOWN MEMORY LANE A Project Level Evaluation Vinal K Karania Research Manager (Evaluation & Impact) Research Department, Age UK Page 2 of 33 Age UK Tavis House ... Research Department (January 2014) Page 3 of 33 Acknowledgements The author of this report would like to thank the representatives of local Age UK Brand Partners (Camden, Derby & Derbyshire, Exeter, Gloucestershire

  2. Income tax

    If your income is over a certain amount, you will have to pay Income Tax on it. Not all income is taxable, and there are allowances and reliefs you may be able to claim.  Not all income counts towards ... towards Income Tax. You may have to pay tax on: earnings from employment or self-employment pensions, including State Pension , and annuities (except pensions under the War Pensions Scheme and Armed Forces

  3. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    Policy Statement Safeguarding older people June 2017 Summary All older people in Wales have the right to a life free from abuse. There are ‘few more basic human rights than that of being protected from violence ... abuse or neglect. Agencies must work together to safeguard individuals, to uphold an individual’s fundamental right to be safe, to minimise vulnerability, and to support those who have experienced abuse or

  4. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Insight_Report.pdf

    Project, as part of a wider programme involving six organisations, that was funded by The Big Lottery Fund with the premise that empowering, supporting and inspiring trusted intermediaries to be Digital Champions ... Champions is a highly effective and sustainable way of delivering digital skills. The One Digital Programme ran between November 2015 and December 2016, with the aim of understanding if Digital Champions

  5. Big Knit Poster - Age Cymru.pdf

    the Big Knit is back send your hats to: Age UK is a registered charity (number 1128267) calling all knitters

  6. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    1 Improving later life. Vulnerability and resilience in older people. 2 Age UK works to improve later life for the 14 million older people in the UK. We do this by addressing health inequality, reducing ... experiences of ageing grow better for each passing generation. We are Age UK Acknowledgements: We wish to thank the following people for help with identifying and inviting authors: Professor Alan Walker, Professor

  7. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    UNIVERSITY EVALUATION OF SIX PILOT PROJECTS Final Report Commissioned by Age UK 1st September 2011 to 31st September 2013 Dr Hazel Morbey Professor Sheila Payne Dr Katherine Froggatt Professor Christine ... were funded to provide practical and emotional support to older cares, and to establish the potential role of trained volunteer delivered interventions in this area. In this report we identify a number of

  8. RB_Nov14_Richmond_Group_What_is_preventing_progress.pdf

    What is preventing progress? Time to move from talk to action on reducing preventable illness A report by The Richmond Group of Charities November 2014 25 2025 BY CONTENTSABOUT The Richmond Group of Charities ... Charities is a coalition of 10 of the leading health and social care organisations in the voluntary sector. Our members are: The scale of the prevention challenge demands a national movement to meet it. All

  9. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour December 2022.pdf

    1 The Duty of Candour – Consultation Response to Welsh Government December 2022 Question 1 Is the Guidance on when the Duty of Candour applies clear? - Yes. Please provide any comments or further ... care may have been a factor in an adverse outcome, rather than having to be proven as a factor. We also welcome the focus on training within this consultation. For clarity, it will be important that health

  10. RB_May16_zero_hour_contracts.pdf

    form a very small part of the UK labour market, but have come to increasing public prominence in recent years.  Debate on ZHCs is often polarised. However, a review of the evidence presents a more ... flexibility of ZHCs, others point to their negative effect on low income households and their potential for exploitation.  ZHCs are used across a range of occupations and sectors. A significant number of all

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