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  1. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    to the theatre cost her £12.50. For many older people this will be a significant outlay; a single person just receiving a basic pension topped up to the standard level of Pension Credit will have a weekly ... younger drivers, an older person’s risk of being killed or suffering a serious injury as a result of a road crash is between two and five times greater than that of a younger person. Conclusion • Government

  2. Fuel Poverty policy statement - November 2021.pdf

    households  Households in fuel poverty in 2018 were dominated by pensioner households and single person households. The single pensioner (without children) group was the most common household type among ... fuel poverty are generally older. Of all fuel poor households, 26% contained a Household Reference Person (HRP) aged over 75 and 43% contained an HRP aged 65 or over  Households living in the private rented

  3. Commissioning IPA Framework Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    barn, i archwilio a gwneud penderfyniadau ar sail gwybodaeth. Mae eiriolaeth annibynnol yn cefnogi’r person beth bynnag fo gofynion a phryderon pobl eraill. Mae’n herio achosion ac effeithiau anghyfiawnder ... eiriolaeth. Datblygu achosion busnes ar gyfer comisiynu eiriolaeth. Meddu ar strategaethau a nodi person uwch a enwir i arwain ar gynllunio eiriolaeth. Cynnal deialog gyda rhanddeiliaid allweddol a darparwyr

  4. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    eich cysylltu i ganolfan alwadau 24 awr, lle byddwch yn gallu siarad â rhywun sydd yn cysylltu â person dynodedig i’ch helpu chi – fel arfer yn gymydog, ffrind, perthynas neu y gwasanaethau brys. Cysylltwch ... fferyllydd am feddyginiaethau dros y cownter ar gyfer mân anhwylderau cyffredin. • Eich fferyllydd yw’r person gorau i roi cyngor ichi, yn enwedig os ydych chi eisoes yn cymryd meddyginiaethau ar bresgripsiwn

  5. Diogelu pobl hŷn - Mai 2021.pdf

    mae ar wasanaethau cymdeithasol ddyletswydd i gynnal ymholiadau, os bydd achos rhesymol i amau bod person […] yn oedolyn sy’n wynebu risg.39 O ran y ddyletswydd hon i wneud ymholiadau, y rhethreg yw y caiff ... elyniaeth neu ragfarn yn seiliedig ar anabledd, crefydd a chred, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol a thrawsrywedd person’.59,60  Gallai unigolyn hŷn gael ei gam-drin/cham-drin, er enghraifft, gan werthwr, adeiladwr neu

  6. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    hawliau dynol. Mae diffyg y rhain yn niweidio ein hyder, ein hunan-barch a’n llesiant. Dylai pob person hŷn deimlo bod ganddyn nhw lais, dewis a rheolaeth dros eu bywydau a’r hawl i gael cymorth i wneud ... gysylltiedig. Peidio â chael fy ngorfodi i wneud unrhyw weithgareddau nad ydw i’n addas iddyn nhw. Dylai pob person hŷn gael mynediad at eiriolwr os nad oes aelod addas o’r teulu ar gael.”* Gall gwasanaethau eirioli

  7. CRS_Feb12_Consultationresponse_Transport_CPF.pdf

    their local High Street. Leeds Older People‟s Forum told us “The city centre is viewed as a young person‟s playground, with acknowledgement from planners that more must be done to make it accessible to

  8. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020 - Welsh.pdf

    go iawn a safbwyntiau na chlywir mohonynt yn aml, lle canolbwyntir ar gyfweliadau a thystiolaeth person cyntaf. Dechreuodd Susan greu ei gwaith ei hun yn 2012, gyda fersiwn gynnar o’i drama gyntaf, “I’ll

  9. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    creative work often stems from real-life stories and perspectives not often heard, centering on first-person testimonials and interviews. Susan began creating her own work in 2012, with an early version of

  10. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    3 3. Executive Summary Independent advocacy is a vital service for individuals to ensure that the person (and their well-being outcomes) is placed at the centre of the work of support services. Independent ... assessment; care and support and support planning; review and safeguarding. 24. The Act:  places the person and their well-being outcomes at the centre of this new framework;  gives them a voice in, and control

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