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  1. Advance decisions (living wills)

    There comes a time when we all need to think about the future and what we would like to happen if we were unable to make or communicate our own decisions. An advance decision allows you to express your ... instructions. However, it will only be used if you lose the capacity to make or communicate decisions about your treatment. An advance statement of wishes explains your likes and dislikes and anything that

  2. What do executors do

    your executor(s). Being an executor can involve a lot of work and responsibility, so think carefully about who you choose. Explain what’s involved and check that they’re willing to act on your behalf. Who ... inherit something from your will. You may wish to point them towards How to be an executor to read more about the role. Can I have more than one executor? It’s a good idea to choose at least two executors, so

  3. CRS_June16_Ofcom_call_for_evidence_on_broadband_USO.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation In April Ofcom published a call for evidence on ‘Designing the broadband universal ... shop and bank from home, especially useful for people in rural areas with sparse services or whose health or mobility makes it hard for them to leave the home. Others may value the internet for communication

  4. RB_Sept17_Age_UK_Budget_Representation.pdf

    of funding squeezes affecting the key public services on which older people rely – in particular, health and social care, local transport networks and local third sector agencies. Although pensioner poverty ... funding for social care, with falling public funding but rising levels of need, is not sustainable. The Health Foundation has estimated that even with recent Government investment, there will still be a funding

  5. Equalities Monitoring Form - English.docx

    the effectiveness of our advertising. Please could you assist us by indicating where you found out about this vacancy in the box below. Many thanks for your time .Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436

  6. Equalities Monitoring Form - English.pdf

    the effectiveness of our advertising. Please could you assist us by indicating where you found out about this vacancy in the box below. Many thanks for your time. Age Cymru is a registered charity

  7. Winter celebration grant application form 2018.docx

    delivered/managed: 2 .Please tel l us why you want to have this Celebration. 3 .We would like to know more about the older people who will benefit from the Celebration? For example, are you targeting people with

  8. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    access vital services and communities, as many older people rely on public transport to get out and about. Without appropriate transport services and infrastructure, older people can become isolated from ... toilet facilities in stations, and information in accessible formats. The provision of information about public transport services should be accessible in various formats, including printed timetable information

  9. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 This Department of Health consultation is about the draft regulations and statutory guidance for the capped cost care funding system, ... or not, are able to access affordable and good quality provision. Many older people we spoke to about this consultation assumed that the total costs of their care fees would be metered, that payments

  10. RB_April17_Decision_Tree--Which_Research_Methods_To_Use.pdf

    WHICH RESEARCH METHODS TO USE? This document provides a tool to help guide you think about which research methods are likely to be most appropriate based on the purpose of your research or evaluation.

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