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  1. Independent Professional Advocacy ENGLISH - March 2020.pdf

    Act”) placed a requirement on local authorities to arrange provision of an Independent Professional Advocate (IPA) to facilitate the involvement of individuals in certain circumstances3. The aim is to help ... information, or to communicating their views, wishes and feelings5, and a judgement is reached in partnership with the person that there is no appropriate individual or other suitable form of advocacy available

  2. For The Moment - summary of findings from older carers

    input from older unpaid carers across Wales who were not in receipt of formal support. The survey is part of a national partnership project between Age Cymru and Carers Trust Wales, funded by the Welsh Government’s ... carers and carers of people living with dementia. Receiving more than 300 responses, the survey provides a snapshot into life for older unpaid carers. Carers spoke of their support needs, their ability to access

  3. Independent Professional Advocacy presentation.pdf

    1. Be able to describe what advocacy is and why it is important 2. Have identified the key principles of advocacy and understand why independence is important 3. Recognise what barriers there are to people ... Introduction • History of advocacy • Advocacy definition • Advocacy principles • The purpose of advocacy • What is advocacy • Types of advocacy • Independent Professional Advocacy • Advocacy, rights and barriers

  4. Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024- 2034.pdf

    response Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024-2034 (Welsh Government) Question 1) To what extent do you agree with this vision? “People in Wales will live in communities which are free from ... help when it is needed.” We agree that this vision offers a comprehensive and attainable target for this strategy. Question 1a) What are your reasons for your answer to question 1? Our view is that this

  5. Health services and the NHS policy statement - May 2016[1].pdf

    independence, but our NHS too often appears to be set up purely to treat illness on a ‘condition-specific’ basis with a goal of ‘curing disease’, rather than focusing on needs of the person in an holistic ... specialist attention”. On the other hand, when admission does occur, often as an emergency, there can be a tendency to seek out and treat every other possible condition – something which may be neither wanted

  6. CRS_April13_Practice_on_Settlement_Agreements.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. This ACAS consultation is examining proposals for the establishment of settlement agreements, which will be used as a means of ending employment relationships. The agreements

  7. Draft Planning Policy Wales - May 2018.pdf

    Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to ... to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are

  8. Age Cymru response to Welsh Govt plans for planned care recovery and reducing waiting lists June 2022.pdf

    we saw a reduction in levels of satisfaction with health care services. Overall, 63% of people aged 50 or over had a negative experience of access to health care services. Within this, 73% had a negative ... negative experience of access to treatment and ongoing health checks, and 70% had a negative experience of both dental and GP access. Higher satisfaction rates were seen in access to eye care. For eye care this

  9. About the project

    all care provided in our communities is provided by unpaid carers , with the work they do saving our NHS and other statutory services more than  £8 billion a year . Out of the 370,000 unpaid carers ... but we also have the highest proportion of carers providing more than 50 hours of care a week. Older carers form a crucial foundation of our health and social care system – but without effective support

  10. IG52.pdf

    someone. Carer’s Allowance. 2 Am I a carer? The word ‘carer’ means different things to different people. You might not think of yourself as one, but if you look after a partner, relative or friend who’d ... your support, then you’re a carer. Many people mistakenly believe they can’t claim Carer’s Allowance. But as a carer, you might be eligible for it. Good to know. This guide is only about Carer’s Allowance

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