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  1. RB_2016_Testing_Promising_Approaches_to_Reducing_Loneliness_Report.pdf

    outcomes and satisfaction. Respectability is a collection of schemes that offer older adults who are carers or have life threatening conditions, the opportunities to participate in activities where they can ... of loneliness amongst individuals, focus on more vulnerable groups, such as those with dementia, carers and isolated older men, and provide peer support when helping people to access the Respectability

  2. End of life issues

    conversation Consider writing notes beforehand about what you want to discuss Don't feel embarrassed if any of you get emotional. Be honest and talk about all your feelings, not just the positive ones. Family ... you feel comfortable with. And if you don't want to talk, that's OK too. Contact Dying Matters for leaflets on how to start conversations about dying, death and bereavement If you have been diagnosed with

  3. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    WASP network is always looking out for new partners who want to contribute to the fight against scams. If you or your organisation want to play a role in protecting your customers or the general public, we ... information is provided courtesy of Friends Against Scams, a National Trading Standards initiative. If you or someone else is in immediate danger because of a scam (for example, being threatened by an aggressive

  4. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    there actually were, with an increase in net expenditure of £1.2 billion.  By 2014 PSSRU estimate that if all councils used ‘moderate’ as the threshold for their criteria for eligibility for council support ... has not filled the gap left by reduced public spending. Levels of unmet need are rising and family carers are being placed under intolerable pressure. The result is a lottery. Some never need to use care

  5. RB_Dec15_Later_life_in_a_digital_world.pdf

    and they offer very little face-to-face service and are reluctant to take changes over the telephone (if you can get through that is). For sites that require an email before you proceed this is more of a ... return. I am still waiting but have received a letter telling me to complete a tax return online or if I wish to submit a paper return to print it off – online.’ A woman contacted the national Age UK national

  6. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Survey_Findings.pdf

    supported  All young people who taught found the classes were well organised, felt supported and as if they made a difference  Around 16 out 24 respondents found the experience helped improve their confidence

  7. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    from housing benefit reforms and the introduction of the ‘spare room subsidy’, which limits payments if someone is considered to have more bedrooms than they need. There are worries that these restrictions

  8. Muscular strength and endurance.pdf

    getting in and out of chairs.  Stand in front of a chair  Push bottom back and bend the knees as if you are going to sit down  Keep the spine and head long and chest lifted  Touch the chair lightly

  9. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    meaningful social engagement: 1. Focus on the relationships or social activities you enjoy the most. 2. If you have no one around who can help you engage socially, turn to professionals who can assist. a. Examples: ... local religious leader, etc. 3. If you feel lonely, you can try to change this by making a new connection or by seeking different opportunities to engage with others. 4. If there are barriers to interacting

  10. Being a friend.pdf

    Friend’ Who can be a ‘Friend’? • Potentially anyone in Wales who is not self-isolating can be a ‘Friend’ if they know someone who needs support locally. • You may already be a ‘Friend’ Why is a ‘Friend’ necessary

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