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People also search for: respite care: having a break from caring, home improvements, worrying about health

  1. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    Sign-up to receive a friendship call

  2. How to challenge a benefit decision

    Information about what procedures to take if you dispute the decision made about your benefits entitlement

  3. GIFTS_guide.pdf

    System – GIFTS Online System Guide for Applicants and Grantees July 2018 v1.4 - July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Introduction to GIFTS GIFTS - is a robust, fully auditable and customisable ... and simplifies every aspect of grant management from receipt of proposal through to monitoring and evaluation and finally to closure. The system facilitates the collection and tracking of qualitative / quantitative

  4. Managing your money in Winter

    A few simple changes to your home or a bit of extra help could ease the problem if you find you worry more about money at this time of year.

  5. How to adjust to living alone

    due to losing someone close or because you’ve recently separated from your partner, you may find yourself living alone. But with a little help, living alone is something that most of us can adapt to.

  6. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

  7. RB_2013_Falls_Prevention_Guide.pdf

    applied in practice. Expert series To explain the research base for falls prevention exercise to give a better understanding of the programmes that have been shown to be effective in preventing falls. Clinical ... falls prevention exercise for older people and health and care services • Presents a range of services delivering to the evidence Amy Charters, Age UK Cate Gillingwater, Philip Hurst and Katie Lau, Age

  8. Good Practice Guide v4.pdf

    age friendly Wales Making relationships count A helpful guide for families, unpaid carers and care staff supporting a person moving to live in a care home. 2 Age Cymru: Making relationships count ... count Introduction This guide focuses on the practical and emotional issues people often encounter when making the decision to support someone to move into a care home. It aims to raise awareness of the needs

  9. Carers Guide FINAL (Cym).pdf

    cyfeirio a chefnogi gofalwyr hŷn yng Nghymru Creating an age friendly Wales 2 Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru Cynnwys Cyflwyniad i Brosiect Gofalwyr Age Cymru 3 Nodi a chefnogi ... hŷn di-dâl yng Nghymru 4 Eich hawliau 5 Asesiad o anghenion gofalwyr 6 A ddylwn i siarad â’m meddyg teulu? 8 Budd-daliadau a chymorth ariannol 9 Cyfrifianellau budd-daliadau 10 Cymorth ariannol 11

  10. Falls prevention

    people are taken to the emergency department in a hospital. Most falls don’t cause serious injury but they can leave you distressed. The good news is that there are lots of things you can do to stay steady ... steady on your feet.

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