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  1. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    of combining work and care in later life Introduction With more and more people providing care for friends and family, the role played by government and employers in supporting longer working lives is becoming ... responsibilities with work, as well as some of the potential solutions. Through our own research and focus groups, it investigates the stories of 50+ carers, looking at what works – and crucially what’s

  2. NW Instructor volunteer 050716.pdf

    courses to members of the community and deliver taster sessions to other interested groups. You will work in partnership with Nordic Walking Leader volunteers towards having long term Nordic Walking groups ... Organised and self-motivated  Able to communicate effectively  Experience of using telephone and email is desirable  Approachable, friendly and professional  Passionate about the work we do  Smart

  3. 20211108 HOPE Marketing Brief - final.pdf

    people in Wales, we work with our five local Age Cymru partners to improve the lives of older people in Wales. We’ve a shared vision of an age friendly Wales and together we work to make life better for ... is a matter of considerable importance. Being part of decision-making processes is not only where self-identity is expressed but is also an important aspect of personal freedom. This principle is at the

  4. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project Brochure - FINAL ENGLISH.pdf

    voices with professionals, including healthcare staff, social workers, housing officers and people working in third sector organisations, is vital for us to make sure that the people they support who are ... upheld. Working holistically and taking a whole person approach means our skilled dementia advocates can build a relationship based on trust and confidence, that raises the voice of people we work with.

  5. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 E FINAL.pdf

    Performance Mark (QPM) achieved 114 sessions delivered People supported 2,072 contacts made through case work 463 referrals received 114 people supported to find more appropriate services 565 issues dealt with ... Quality Ambassadors 6 trained and active ambassadors 2021-2022 Mr L was looking to get voluntary work, preferably a driving role. Due to mild learning difficulties, he needed support to find opportunities

  6. CRS_March17_review_automatic_enrolment.pdf

    Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has established a review of the progress of automatic enrolment into private pension ... jobs. The higher the trigger, the more it disadvantages those hard-working people with several low-paying jobs.  We agree that self-employed people should be brought within auto-enrolment and support suggestions

  7. Joe Powell.pdf

    Why Self-Advocacy? Joe Powell, Chief Executive All Wales People First What is All wales People First? • National Umbrella Group of self-advocacy groups in Wales. • National ... • Support self-advocacy groups to get going and keep going. What is People First? • The Beginning – Oregon • International Political and Rights Movement • Self-advocacy www

  8. Digital Innovation review - November 2018.pdf

    Digital Innovation for the Economy and the Future of Work in Wales Welsh Government November 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales ... Government’s call for evidence for the Review of Digital Innovation for the Economy and the Future of Work in Wales. Digital technology offers opportunities as well as challenges for older people. Perceptions

  9. CAP Referal Form 2024.docx

    -referraloReferral by family member/friend o Referral by other service provider o Referrer’s details (if not self-referral) Name: Job title: Agency and address: Postcode: Tel no: E-mail: Date of referral: Outline ... return to you for the referral we will be in touch over the next 5 working days. Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in

  10. What matters to you.pdf

    2 A2.b. What do you use the internet for? e Contacting friends/family e Finding out information e Work e Social media e Banking e Online shopping e Video calling friends or family e Playing games e Other ... Retired e Employed full-time e Employed part-time (working 30 hours or less) e Unable to work due to disability/illness e Unable to work due to caring responsibilities e Self-employed full-time e

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