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  1. RB_May17_FAQs-Age_UKs_Wellbeing_Index.pdf

    of individuals before and after State Pension Age. In the future, this will allow us to undertake analysis of the wellbeing of individuals over time as they move into retirement. We also wanted to be able ... about older people and wellbeing,  sounding boards and panels of older people who scrutinise Age UK’s work and have expertise in many areas,  focus groups of older people, and  Age UK colleagues who are

  2. Promo Leaflet v5.pdf

    • Are you aged 50 or over and live in Wales? • Do you look after, or give any unpaid help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental ill-health ... • Are you currently not accessing any formal support or services to help you in your role looking after someone/giving unpaid support? If you answered Yes to all the questions above, please help us by completing

  3. Employment and Contribution policy statement (September 2016).pdf

    people bring as employees and contributors to wider society and to the economy. More people are working for longer than ever before. For some this is through choice while, for others, a combination of ... that continuing to work is a financial imperative. The increase in employment rates among older workers over the past few years is welcome but does not tell the full story of working life for the over 50s

  4. Employment and Contribution policy statement - September 2019.pdf

    September 2019 Summary Older people make a significant contribution to Welsh life and the Welsh economy. After taking account of the costs of an ageing population, older people make a net contribution of almost ... people bring as employees and contributors to wider society and to the economy. More people are working for longer than ever before. For some this is through choice while, for others, a combination of

  5. Feeling well is not just about being physically fit and healthy - it's equally important to your overall health that you feel good mentally.

    feel embarrassed about struggling with your feelings. There are several things you can do to look after your mental wellbeing, as well as steps you can take if you think you need some help. It’s never too ... can change. There may be a trigger point, usually a significant or distressing event, such as: retirement bereavement relationship or family problems money worries disability or poor health, including

  6. FS2.pdf

    of 20 Factsheet 2 Buying retirement housing November 2023 About this factsheet This factsheet explains options and issues to consider if you are thinking about buying retirement housing. This is specialist ... factsheet can be found in the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet 2 November 2023 Buying retirement housing Page 2 of 20 Contents 1 Recent developments 3 2 Introduction 3 3 Scheme management 4 4

  7. RB_June14_financial_resilience_in_later_life.pdf

    Commission summit events • All those who wrote provocations for the summit events: BlackRock, Just Retirement, Mercer, the Resolution Foundation and Toynbee Hall. The provocations are available online at: ... Introduction 06 Emerging themes 10 What is financial resilience? 14 Approaching retirement 18 Decision-making in retirement 24 Staying in control in later old age 32 Recommendations: information, advice

  8. CRS_Dec16_response_to_Cridland_SPA_review.pdf

    2016. This sets out the context, considers the three pillars of affordability, fairness and fuller working lives and looks at the impact of changes to State Pension age for particular groups and possible ... will find it difficult or impossible to keep working or who are otherwise subsisting on an extremely low income. Our report from earlier this year, Working Later, waiting longer, explored a series of case

  9. Information for carers (if you help a relative or friend)

    that are available to you. We cover the main things to help lighten the load a little. If you look after your partner, or a relative or friend who is ill or disabled, you are a carer, even if you don’t think ... lives far away once a month to see how they’re doing. move in with someone to help them recuperate after a major operation. If you care for someone, you can contact the local authority social services department

  10. Basic State Pension (before 2016)

    that’s important, not when you start to claim it. If you were born after the above dates and therefore reach State Pension age after 5 April 2016, the new State Pension rules will apply to you. The old ... contributions. This includes contributions that you made when you were working, and contributions that were credited to you if you were unable to work - for example, if you were caring for a child or disabled person

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