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  1. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    UK May 2012 Citing this report: Melzer D, Tavakoly B, Winder R, Richards S, Gericke C, Lang, I. Health Care Quality for an Active Later Life: Improving quality of prevention ... Department of Health Mr David Buck: Senior Fellow, Public Health and Health Inequalities, The King’s Fund Prof Peter Crome: Professor of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Primary Care and Population Health

  2. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    Age UK’s fit for the future Project Evaluation Report Andrea Wigfield Erika Kispeter Sarah Alden Royce Turner With contribution from Tom Clarke CIRCLE (Centre for International Research on ... Background, policy context and overview of related literature It is widely acknowledged that the UK’s population is ageing, with the Department of Health predicting that the number of people aged over 65

  3. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    for all workers, regardless of age or the skill level of the occupation.  This is also true for women in higher-skilled roles, although more positively those in lower-skilled roles have seen an increase ... factors, for example the rise of insecure employment. Employment rates  The employment rate of women aged 50-54 and 55-59 caught up with the rate for those aged 45-49 over the period 2008 to 2015. 

  4. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    problems. Five Even the very old and frail need to get up and moving. There is never an age where it’s best to sit and rest all the time! Six The social interaction needs we all have continue to be as important ... experience ‘old’ old age. We can sometimes forget how different this is from the past. Indeed, when today’s 85-year-olds were born, there were fewer than 10 million people living on the whole planet who had reached

  5. RB_June14_Generation_R_Research.pdf

    novel insights into older people’s issues, providing a mandate of evidence for all that Age UK does. It also develops thought leadership for the future direction of Age UK’s Charity, analysing trends and ... ageing 17 Cluster 2 comprises economically active women 18 Cluster 3 comprises men who live in the largest households 19 Cluster 4 comprises working women with modest means 20 Cluster 5, all retired, forms

  6. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Contents Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support at a ... The Knowledge Hub For a wealth of knowledge on ageing and older people’s issues, including regularly updated statistical information, see

  7. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    controversy remains over the communication of cumulative changes to women’s State Pension age. In addition, more needs to be done to ensure that today’s older people have access to an adequate standard of income ... change their plans. This should cover people who would be entitled to a pension based on their partner’s contributions under the previous system.  The UK Government must improve the level of public communication

  8. Later_Life_UK_factsheet.pdf

    85 or over.3  There are over half a million people aged 90 and over in the UK. 70% of these are women.4  There are 14,570 centenarians in the UK, a 65% increase over the last decade. Of these, an estimated ... expectancy below). This includes 29% of people born in 2011.12  However, according to the ONS the UK’s population is ageing more slowly than other EU countries, predicted to be one of the least aged countries

  9. Louise Hughes.pdf

    Health Councils and complaints advocacy 4 Continued … • Making Voices Heard report from the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales • Introduction of the advocacy degree • Introduction of the new qualifications ... available on Age Cymru’s website) – Newsletters – Leaflets – Booklets – Flyers, Z card, bookmarks, decision making process for IPA • DVD’s – GTAP – NYAS and Dewis CIL – Older People’s Commissioner for Wales

  10. Advocacy Newsletter August 2017 English.pdf

    for Inclusion (NDTi) updating the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark (QPM) Page 4 Older people’s access to and experiences of independent advocacy Information and Guidance on Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding ... Page 6 Events       Page 7 Useful publications their Useful Websites    Age Cymru’s free Advice Line

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