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People also search for: what to do, using cash, care home

  1. Contact the team

    Contact details for the Community Assistant Project team

  2. Health services

    Information for older people on finding and using health services.

  3. Campaigns

    We campaign for the rights of older people in Wales.

  4. What you can do if you are lonely, or care for someone who is

    Use our resources to find out how to spot loneliness in those you care for and what you can do to help.

  5. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners.

  6. Income and tax

    Information on income and tax for older people

  7. Contact the team

    This page lists contact details for our carers project

  8. CRS_Feb16_Social_Security_Advisory_Committee_ response_on_changes_to_benefit_rules_for_temporary_absence_from_Great_Britain.pdf

    rules for temporary absence from Great Britain February 2016 Ref 0316 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic ... academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock

  9. Age Cymru response to Welsh Govt plans for planned care recovery and reducing waiting lists June 2022.pdf

    1 Consultation response Plan for transforming and modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists For the Senedd’s Health and social Care Committee June 2022 Introduction Age Cymru welcomes the ... predominantly those most affected by delays in this area. We are very pleased to see that the plan for transforming and modernising care includes many developments that will over time help older people’s

  10. will_planner_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    and who you want to benefit. You can use this form to gather your thoughts and plans in one place for easy reference at your meeting. (Please note that this will planner is not a legal document and cannot ... where copies of your will are kept. *Guardians have legal responsibility for children until they turn 18. A handy tool to prepare you for meeting with your solicitor 2. Work out how much your estate is worth

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