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  1. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    their immediate use. They are often central geographically and socially, and can therefore act as hubs within communities. They can sometimes see when people are struggling and welcome new people into ... services is crucial—they can provide benefits beyond their immediate use (eg pubs acting as community hubs)  Every community has it within them to address needs – there should be more trust from senior managers

  2. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    UK’s work to help people stay warm and well in winter. For each be-hatted innocent bottle sold, 25p is donated to Age UK to support local and national winter projects. The partnership has so far raised £1 ... support our winter warmth programmes. This has enabled Age UK and our local partners to reach 470,927 older people – from offering information and advice about staying warm and well in winter, to installing

  3. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    but have left many women waiting longer for their State Pension with little time to plan. The Winter Fuel Payment and the bus pass make an important difference to the lives of many older people on low ... Any move to reduce support, for example abandoning the triple lock or removing benefits such as Winter Fuel Payments, could see poverty rates rise again. 6. In terms of overall income levels, since

  4. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    start to turn, it is inevitable that we start to think about winter. This edition you can find out how to get hold of a copy of our Winter Wrapped Up guide and about the work Nest are doing in Wales to ... credit can also open the door to a wide range of support including help with energy bills in the winter, free TV licences for the over 75s, dental treatment, help with rent and council tax reduction.

  5. WASP Banking Protocol and Take 5 slides.pdf

    across a range of channels, for signatories to promote Take Five. • The central Take Five key message hub and campaign collateral will provide the material required for signatories to implement the Code. Find

  6. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_Intro_E.pdf

    is a great place to look for inspiration. Here are just a few websites we’ve found useful: • improvement/arts-in-care • • www.timeslips

  7. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_W.pdf

    yn lle gwych i chwilio am ysbrydoliaeth. Dyma rai gwefannau sy’n ddefnyddiol yn ein barn ni: • improvement/arts-in-care • • www.timeslips

  8. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    role of sheltered and extra care housing. As part of this we would like to see more schemes acting as hubs to support other vulnerable older people in the local community living in general needs housing.

  9. Principles of the Act - Handout.pdf

    support workers on the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014" on the Care Council Learning Hub

  10. Handout on principles of the Act.docx

    support workers on the Social Servicesand Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 " on the Care Council Learning Hub

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