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  1. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    Consultation Response Ref 0617 HM Treasury and Department for Work and Pensions pension scams consultation February 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... December 2016, HM Treasury and the Department for Work and Pensions published a consultation on a package of measures aimed at tackling pension scams.1 Introduction Age UK is the country's largest charity

  2. FS91.pdf

    Page 1 of 22 Factsheet 91 Pension Freedom and benefits June 2024 About this factsheet Changes to how you can use funds in your occupational or private pension were made in 2015. Once you reach the age ... to access your pension savings or pension pot and to decide what to do with this money. This factsheet contains basic information about your choices with respect to drawing down pension savings. You can

  3. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery- May 2021.pdf

    friendly Wales Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery Survey Results May 2021 Contents Page 1. About this research 3 2. Accessing information ... of Older People, Active Wales, National Pensioners Convention Wales, and Pensioners Forum Wales worked together to gather the experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter lockdown and

  4. TV licence concessions

    If you enjoy watching the television, then you need to make sure you have a valid TV licence. You’ll need a valid TV licence to watch or record live TV programmes on any channel (including the BBC), or ... or if you download or watch any BBC programmes using BBC iPlayer – whether that’s live on iPlayer, or watching downloaded content on a viewing device (such as a TV, computer, tablet or mobile phone). 

  5. age_cymru_manifesto_ENG.pdf

    Creating an age friendly WalesManifesto 2021 Who we are and what we do Age Cymru’s vision is of an age friendly Wales where everyone enjoys good health and social care, lives safely, is free from discrimination ... plans for Covid reconstruction. 1 Poverty and voice What’s the issue? • There is an ongoing inequality of access to advocacy for all older people in Wales • 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty • 80

  6. How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses

    If you’re faced with a cost you’re unable to pay because you’re on a low income, or because you have no money at all for some reason, you may be able to get financial help to cover that cost. What help ... advance payment of your benefit called a Budgeting Loan (or Budgeting Advance if you receive Universal Credit). Alternatively, if you’re waiting for a decision on your benefit claim, you may be able

  7. CRS_Jan16_Pension_reforms_proposed_changes_to_guidance.pdf

    Consultation Response Pension reforms – proposed changes to our rules and guidance, CP 15-30 January 2016 Ref: 3915 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... About this consultation Following the introduction of the pension flexibilities in April 2015, where consumers no longer have to annuitise their pension savings and can instead choose from a range of options

  8. CRS_Dec13_Reshaping_workplace_pensions_future_generations.pdf

    Consultation Response Reshaping workplace pensions for future generations Ref: 3313 Date: 19th December 2013 All ... ambition (DA) pensions to complement the defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) models that currently predominate and proposals for a new regulatory framework for future pension provision.

  9. Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    How we can help Age Cymru Advice: our information and advice service for matters affecting people over 50 in Wales. Age Cymru Advice is committed to being the foremost information and advice service to ... visits may be available to people requiring additional or more specialised support. Getting in touch If you want to talk to one of our expert advisers, in Welsh or English, call us on 0300 303 44 98. Our

  10. Rights at work

    by law. However, if they provide less than the basic legal rights, this is unlawful. A contract doesn’t have to be written for you to have rights – if there is no piece of paper, what was agreed verbally ... verbally will apply. Self-employed You’re self-employed if you: run your own business and take responsibility for its success or failure are responsible for paying your own tax and national insurance normally

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