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  1. IL5.pdf

    social areas with furniture arranged to allow small groups to socialise? n Are staff sitting and chatting with the residents? n Would your relative feel comfortable socialising in the home’s common areas

  2. IG24.pdf “I hadn’t been feeling like myself for a while so I knew it was time to have a chat with the GP.” Ruth, 76 11 Eating and drinking. What we eat and drink becomes even more important as ... break for something you enjoy – even if some days this is just a few minutes for a cup of tea or a chat on the phone with a friend. Good to know. Our Your mind matters guide has more information about looking

  3. CRS_Feb17_Cqc_NHS_Consultation_Use_Resources_Well-led_Assessments.pdf

    reaching most of England. Each year we provide Information and Advice to around 5 million people through web based and written materials and individual enquiries by telephone, letters, emails and face to face

  4. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK's_response_to_DCLG_consultation_including_Attendance_Allowance.pdf

    most of England. Each year we provide information and advice to around 5.9 million people through web based and written materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and local face-to-face ... the box below. 4 5 Disability and poverty in later life

  5. GIFTS_system_guide v1 4.pdf

    supports an online portal (to which this document refers) where applicants and grantees can access web forms (e.g. application and monitoring/evaluation forms) which link to the underlying database, thus

  6. GIFTS_guide.pdf

    supports an online portal (to which this document refers) where applicants and grantees can access web forms (e.g. application and monitoring/evaluation forms) which link to the underlying database, thus

  7. CRS_Nov15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_new_State_Pension_Inquiry.pdf

    most of England. Each year we provide information and advice to around 4.5 million people through web based and written materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and local face-to-face ... detailed information for some specific groups, and materials aimed at advisers.  In addition to web based information there should be materials in hard copy and some people need the opportunity to talk

  8. CRS_Sept15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_on_benefit_delivery.pdf

    most of England. Each year we provide Information and Advice to around 4.5 million people through web based and written materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and through face to

  9. Mandatory concessionary fares scheme - January 2018.pdf

    isolation. They said that the bus journey itself provides an opportunity to meet people and have a chat. They also mentioned the ripple effect of the scheme in terms of the contribution that older people

  10. If you’re concerned about someone.pdf

    worried about a friend or relative. They can also visit Live Fear Free for advice (including online chat). Or they can call the helpline on 0808 80 10 800. This service is available 24/7. Anyone in immediate

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