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  1. Become a corporate partner

    Find out more information about becoming a corporate with Age Cymru

  2. Help with the cost of living

    – could you be missing out? If you want to know more, see the benefits and entitlements section of our website, or use our online benefits calculator . A benefit check  can help you find out ... our factsheet on getting the best energy deal (you can access this in the 'further information' section below).  Further information  Our following factsheets and guides may be helpful to you

  3. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Cym.pdf

    nd-research/2018-12/160711production-estimated-levels-fuel-poverty-wales-2012-2016-en. pdf)’. Mae 43% o bobl sy'n 65 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn dweud bod eu hiechyd yn weddol neu'n wael Welsh Government ... internet-use-and-digitalskills-national-survey-wales-april-2018-march-2019-207.pdf Ers 2015, mae 43% o ganghennau banc Cymru wedi cau BBC Wales news (2019) Wales tops table for UK bank branch closures

  4. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Eng.pdf

    s-and-research/2018- 12/160711-productionestimated-levels-fuel-poverty-wales-2012-2016-en.pdf).’ 43% of people aged 65 and over in Wales say their health is fair or poor. Welsh Government, Stats Wales ... rch/2019-09/internet-use-and-digitalskills-national-survey-wales-april-2018-march-2019-207.pdf 2 43% of bank branches in Wales have closed since 2015. BBC Wales news (2019) Wales tops table for UK bank

  5. Dentistry in Wales - August 2018.pdf

    1 SSIA/John Bolton (2011) Better Support at Lower Cost, Section 4: Prevention.

  6. FS24w.pdf

    don’t have internet access, our Age Cymru Advice line can provide you with the information – see section 21 for contact details. 2 Legislation covering the social care system in Wales – the Social Services ... the sections in this factsheet (and other Age Cymru factsheets on social care topics) will use this Act – and the Welsh Government guidance for local authorities which accompanies it (see section 2.1 below)

  7. FS79.pdf

    details for any organisation mentioned in this factsheet can be found in the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet 79 August 2023 Equality, discrimination and the Public Sector Equality Duty ... details of solicitors who specialise in public law, but remember, this may incur costs. See factsheet 43, Getting legal and financial advice, for more information. In Scotland, see the Age Scotland guide

  8. If they develop coronavirus symptoms.pdf

    might make them more vulnerable (for example, being over 70) – see the Welsh Government guidance section above. The NHS 111 symptom checker does also take these factors into account. If NHS information

  9. Why are we still waiting? Delays in social care in Wales

    Older people are experiencing delay in social care assessments and implementation in care packages. Read our report and recommendations.

  10. FS62.pdf

    of any of the organisations mentioned in this factsheet can be found in the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet 62 March 2024 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Page 2 of 26 Contents 1 Recent ... hospital or care home. See section 3 for more information. In other locations, your deprivation of liberty requires an application to the Court of Protection to be lawful, see section 9 for more information

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