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  1. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    Reduced services during lockdown have been a big problem’ (Female, 70-74, Pembrokeshire) ‘Staying safe while out on public transport as we now have a reduced train service so the trains will be crowded’ ... at the thought of the idea’ (Female, 55-59, Carmarthen) ‘Transport and seeing friends and family safely […] One of our buses has been taken off completely which means if I want to go into town I have to

  2. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    available, with good connections and ease of connection between the different forms of transport. Key issues relating to public transport raised in Age Cymru’s Community Calculator survey1 (pre-pandemic) ... older people’s experiences in the past three months during the pandemic, older 1 Age Cymru (2020) Key findings of the Community Calculator Age Cymru ¦ Community Calculator ( people told us

  3. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    Keep yourself Safe and Well Talking to eachother is the best thing we can do if falling over and doing ourselves harm is a worry. Don’t delay, talk today! Care & Repair Cymru CWTSH CUDDLE Helping School- ... myself strong and playing with you is great fun. You’re also right that my shoes and slippers are not safe, as they need to fit better, have better backs and strong soles that don’t slip” Jack & Jill:

  4. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    and efficient transport system, and we would wish to see better integration between transport and key services. The Strategy prioritises active travel and public transport ahead of private motor vehicles ... gy-2021-fullstrategy_0.pdf 2 Ibid. 2 connection between the different forms of transport. Key issues relating to public transport raised in Age Cymru’s Community Calculator survey3 (pre-pandemic)

  5. Advocacy Newsletter October 2017 English.pdf

    Domestic Abuse: Safeguarding Older People in Wales Page 6 ‘Flawed’ use of Mental Capacity Act key theme in safeguarding adult’s reviews, report finds      Page 7 Ageing without Children

  6. CRS_June15_Response_to_Freedom_to_Speak_Up_Review.pdf

    Francis QC, was to identify steps that can be taken to enable a culture in the NHS where staff can feel safe to raise concerns as well as confident that they will be listened to and their concerns will be acted ... seeks views about a package of measures to implement the recommendations made as part of the Review. Key points and recommendations  Age UK supports the implementation of the Freedom to Speak Up Review

  7. CRS_Feb17_Cqc_NHS_Consultation_Use_Resources_Well-led_Assessments.pdf

    section on the regulation of NHS trusts. Age UK has submitted a separate response to that consultation. Key proposals from CQC and NHS Improvement This consultation outlines joint proposals from CQC and NHS ... out joint plans for ensuring that effective use of resources is seen as fundamental to high-quality, safe services. To this end, the consultation proposes including the assessment of trusts’ use of resources

  8. No one should have no one - tackling loneliness

    treated as a public health priority and we want local authorities to take the following steps: • Create safe, accessible built environments with places to meet that are easily accessible by integrated local

  9. Walking Groups

    muscles, helps you maintain a healthy weight and it makes you happy. Our volunteers will provide a safe, sociable and fun environment. You'll have a chance to make new friends, encourage each other, develop

  10. RB_June17_Jo_Cox_Loneliness_Booklet.pdf

    lonely in a crowd whilst others enjoy solitude. However, the lack of meaningful relationships is a key component of loneliness. 1.7% or 200,000 older people 65+ have not had a conversation with friends ... touch with older people who are lonely but either don’t realise it or know how to help them. Training key people in our communities - such as GP’s receptionists, district nurses, Police Community Support Officers

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