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  1. IG58.pdf

    benefits, known as ‘legacy benefits’. These are: • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • income-related Employment and Support Allowance • working-age Housing Benefit • Income Support • Child Tax Credit ... is made up of a standard monthly allowance and any other additional ‘elements’ that you’re eligible for (these elements are outlined on pages 4-5). The standard allowance amount depends on your age and whether

  2. IG23.pdf

    on • devices that can detect if you’ve had a seizure • special plugs for the bath and sink that allow the water to only reach a certain level • movement sensors that can turn on lights when you get out ... Council Tax. If your disability benefits are included in the financial assessment, the council should allow you to keep enough benefit for you to meet any disability-related expenses. Check your local council’s

  3. Ask me Presentation (Age Cymru) - slide deck.pdf

    terms of help seeking.” Finding the Cost of Freedom, 2014 What’s involved? Community ambassadors attend a free training course where they learn more about domestic abuse, and are equipped to: After the

  4. CRS_May16_decc_warm_house_discount_scheme.pdf

    selection of Broader Group beneficiaries, there could be more older people eligible, e.g. Attendance Allowance claimants, if this was selected as an eligibility criterion in the future. ... obligations? This should be an important principle for the scheme, but there is also a case for allowing some operational flexibility. If, as intended, the beneficiaries of the discount are identified

  5. IG15.pdf

    about or need supervision or help when carrying out personal care, you might be eligible for Attendance Allowance (AA) if you’re over State Pension age, or for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you’re ... Wales, contact your local Age Cymru. Next steps For information on claiming AA, call the Attendance Allowance helpline (page 38). In Northern Ireland, call the Disability and Carers Service (page 38)

  6. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    their pension pots into retirement income.  The key features of Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance must be retained and reform should be based on the needs of disabled older people. ... additional financial entitlements beyond the State Pension. 95,000 people over 65 in Wales receive Attendance Allowance (AA) at an average level of £75.29 to help them cope with the costs of disability. This is

  7. LIFT volunteer 050716.pdf

    role of LIFT Leader where you will need to attend a four day LIFT training course (divided into two sets of training, each on two consecutive days). You must attend all four days in order to pass the course

  8. Carers Rights A4 English.pdf

    identified through it to be met. You may also have the right to: • financial support through Carer’s Allowance How do I get support? The best place to start is to contact your local council. The council’s contact

  9. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_071215.pdf

    that doing so would pay dividends in only a couple of years. Moira Pendlebury commented that Attendance Allowance was the single best solution to improving older people’s lives and keeping them away from ... the APPG in six months time, this was agreed. Baroness Jolly thanked the speakers and group for attending and for their input. There was no further business and the meeting was closed.

  10. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    same rate.  The guidance should be clarified to ensure that Local Authorities are prevented from allowing a first party top up from someone whose capital is below £27,000.  Age UK will submit a report ... 2016) plus the base Attendance Allowance, for which it is likely that someone requiring residential care would be eligible. In 201516 this would be around £151.25 plus Attendance Allowance of £55.10. It is

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