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  1. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    confirmed. Known features of the new scheme include a 24 month wait for referral for Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit claimants in good health, while those with a disability will be referred after ... Health and Work Programme will be significantly reduced from that enjoyed under the Work Programme. £400 to £500 million will be spent over five years, but this is less than the Work Programme received in

  2. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    their needs. 2. We see older people facing various energy-related difficulties, including broken heating systems, metering and billing disputes, health conditions requiring high energy usage, and difficulty ... SoCs will help achieve this. Box 1: Harmful situations from Age UK Community Energy Programme • Heating not working – An older man with significant health issues, living alone, has an old boiler that is

  3. FS58w.pdf

    Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance 13 5.2 Pension Credit 14 6 When temporary care becomes ... also mentions “fixed payments [such as] building insurance [and] utility costs (including basic heating during the winter) and reasonable property maintenance costs”8. 7 The Care and Support (Financial

  4. Relationships and family

    As you get older your relationships carry more meaning and you may begin to lose life-long friends.

  5. FS67.pdf

    conditions 14 3.4 Local authority environmental health departments 16 4 Care & Repair Cymru 16 5 Heating and insulation improvements 17 6 Home safety if you’re a homeowner 17 6.1 Gas safety checks 17 6 ... administered by Care & Repair Cymru, whereby small-scale alterations to a person’s home can be completed to allow them to return to live there safely and independently if, for example, they are awaiting discharge

  6. FS69.pdf

    at: 3 Water arrears Water companies are not allowed to disconnect you for water arrears. Instead, they can take court action to recover the debt. It ... This can look at whether you might be entitled to benefits such as Pension Credit, Attendance Allowance or Personal Independence Payment. Contact Age UK Advice or Age Cymru Advice or your local Age UK

  7. CRS_April12_OFT_remote_communities.pdf

    It has been estimated that the UK average cost of heating a typical three bedroom house is about 50 per cent higher than with mains gas with heating oil and 100 per cent higher using Liquid Petroleum ... Proportionately more off gas-grid households in the UK have a member over the age of 60 and homes without gas heating are more likely to be older, have solid walls and be energy inefficient.xiv There is evidence that

  8. Carers Rights A4 English.pdf

    identified through it to be met. You may also have the right to: • financial support through Carer’s Allowance How do I get support? The best place to start is to contact your local council. The council’s contact

  9. Personal Independence Payment

    you have. If you've reached State Pension age and have care needs, you should claim Attendance Allowance instead. If you are unsure when you reach State Pension age, you can find out on the  GOV.UK

  10. RB_March13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    Claimants, including most older jobseekers, typically wait for 12 months from claiming Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) before being referred by Jobcentre Plus on to the Work Programme. This period can be shorter ... payment would be made for a Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) claimant aged 25+ who has never received Incapacity Benefit or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA): • £400 attachment fee (in year one only – this

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