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  1. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018 WELSH.pdf

    cARTrefu yn parhau tan 2019! Bydd cARTrefu, sef prosiect celfyddydol mewn cartrefi gofal gan Age Cymru, yn parhau i gynnal prosiectau celfyddydol nes gwanwyn 2019. Age Cymru’n lansio Cardiau Gweithgaredd cARTrefu rhad ac am ddim i gartrefi gofal cARTrefu Ionawr 2018 cARTrefu Sharing Events Rhannwch eich straeon! Derbyn eich pecyn gweithgareddau cARTrefu rhad ac am ddim Adroddiad

  2. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018.pdf

    cARTrefu to continue until 2019! cARTrefu, Age Cymru’s arts in care homes project, will continue arts residencies until Spring 2019. Age Cymru launches free cARTrefu Activity Cards for care homes cARTrefu January 2018 cARTrefu Sharing Events Share Your Stories! Receiving your free cARTrefu activity pack The cARTrefu Report Meet the new team! cARTrefu

  3. 2016 November Bulletin CYMRU.pdf

    Tachwedd 2016 Hanesion Gŵyl Gwanwyn Dathlu creadigrwydd mewn pobl hŷn Ŵ Linda Jane James a Dewi Morris – Prosiectau T.E.A. Mike Stevens—Suitcase Theatre Kelly Barr—Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru Ŵ Ŵ Gwanwyn Age Cymru Tŷ John Pathy 13/14 Neptune Court Vanguard Way Cardiff , CF24 5PJ 029 2043 1555

  4. 2016 November Bulletin ENGLISH.pdf

    November 2016 Stories from the Gwanwyn Festival Celebrating creativity in older age Linda Jane James and Dewi Morris—T.E.A. Projects Mike Stevens—Suitcase Theatre Kelly Barr—National Dance Company Wales Gwanwyn Age Cymru Tŷ John Pathy 13/14 Neptune Court Vanguard Way Cardiff , CF24 5PJ 029 2043 1555 https

  5. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Full_report.pdf

    Improving later life for people with sight loss 3 Contents 4 Welcome 6 Sight loss in an ageing society 10 The lived experience of people with sight loss 20 The policy environment 22 Ways forward and recommendations 28 Agenda for action 29 References Dedicated to the memory of Alan Suttie, a former Trustee of RNIB who passed away in 2014. Alan dedicated his life to improving the lives of

  6. Advocacy Newsletter October 2017 English.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter October 2017 Issue no. 7 Advocacy and Regional Plans Page 2 Supporting the Commissioning and Good Practice of Advocacy: Resource list Page 3 Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) and Health            Page 4 Page 5       New proposals to transform care by raising standards and giving care work a higher status      

  7. RB_July17_Age_UK_Human_rights_of_older_persons_and_their_comprehensive_care.pdf

    Briefing: Human rights of older persons and their comprehensive care July 2017 If you have any questions or would like future information please contact Angela Kitching, Head of External Affairs, at or 07825 724296 The Council of Europe’s report, Human rights of older persons and their comprehensive care, was produced by the Committee on Social

  8. English 3 DRAFT Self Assessment Tool - Providers - 4 11 16 - final.docx

    IMPLEMENTIng the code of practice on advocacy SELF assessment Tool for PROVIDERSGolden Thread Advocacy Project – funded by the Welsh Government September 201 6SELF assessment Tool · INTRODUCTIONPurpose Th e purpose of this Self Assessment Tool is to ascertainorganisationalreadiness to comply with the Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy) and its strategic intent.The Self Assessment Tool itself is

  9. Supporting the Commissioning and Good Practice and Advocacy Resource list March 2018.pdf

    Supporting the Commissioning and Good Practice of Advocacy Resource list Legislation and statutory guidance Social care policy Commissioning Procurement Market management / sector development Engagement and Co-production Advocacy; Good practice, Outcomes, Research and Models Outcomes Professional guidelines Education and training Safeguarding Information and advice for citizens Other

  10. Welsh 3 DRAFT Self Assessment Tool - Providers - 4 11 16 - final.docx

    GWEITHREDU’R COD YMARFER EIRIOLAETH O FFERYN HUNANASESU I DDARPARWYRProsiect Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd – a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth CymruMedi 2016offeryn hunanasesu ·cyflwyniadAmcan Diben yr Offeryn Hunanasesu hwn yw canfod parodrwydd sefydliadol i gydymffurfio â Chod Ymarfer Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) a'i fwriad strategol. Mae'r Offeryn Hunanasesu ei hun wedi'i strwythuro mewn pedair adran i

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