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  1. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    always lonely. (British Red Cross and Co-op) For 3.6 million people aged 65 television is the main form of company. (Age UK) 58% of migrants and refugees in London described loneliness and isolation as

  2. Age Cymru - Why are we still waiting - Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023 - web.pdf

    anything from contact details for community services, legal rights of carers, information on how to claim financial entitlements, wellbeing and social activities information or a range of other things that

  3. FS10w - Welsh.pdf

    cyffredinol sy’n rheoli cymhwyster ar gyfer Credyd Pensiwn (PC) yn Nhaflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit. Isod ceir peth gwybodaeth am y budd-dâl. Mae dwy ran i’r Credyd Pensiwn (PC):  Credyd ... anwybyddwyd sydd wedi eu nodi yn y rheolau Credyd Pensiwn - gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit i gael gwybodaeth am y mathau o incwm y gellir eu hanwybyddu). Credyd Cynilion Cynlluniwyd

  4. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    oed Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth ar, neu cyn, 6 Ebrill 2016. Gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit am wybodaeth bellach. 40 Er enghraifft, ceir swm ychwanegol

  5. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    Well-being? A Scoping Review with a Welsh Perspective. 2 Tracey Morgan, Ruth Crowder. ‘Mini Mental State Examinations in English: are they suitable for people with dementia who are Welsh speaking?’ http://journals

  6. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    person-centred conversation, and (iii) providing tailored support to the older people. These three approaches formed the foundation services element of the framework that set out practical steps to support people experiencing

  7. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    age should not be used instead of clinical factors to decide whether to allow a patient a particular form of treatment or procedure. As this follow-up report shows, the problems are far from over. There is

  8. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    Comisiynu Eiriolaeth   skilled support  Can help smaller providers with track record in that form of advocacy, enhancing choice locally  Specialist practice and expertise can be reinforced  Can

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