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  1. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    Department for Transport Accessibility Action Plan Consultation: A Transport System that is open to everyone November 2017 joe.oldman@ageuk ... Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About Age UK Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The Age UK network includes around 140 local Age UKs

  2. Spring 2024 - English.pdf

    The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Spring 2024 Tell us what matters to you in our 2024 survey Be wary of offers to insulate your loft with spray foam Hear how one of our walk leaders gets a buzz ... when people start thinking about becoming active and there’s plenty of information in this edition to get you going, particularly if you’re looking for volunteering opportunities. We feature Clare Gabriel

  3. 20191127 WG SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services ... opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s

  4. CRS_Dec15_BIS_switching_principles.pdf

    switching in energy, telecoms and banking. Introduction Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing ... advice for older people who need it most. Age UK welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation. This paper responds to selected questions posed in the ‘Respondents other than consumers’ section

  5. GIFTS_guide.pdf

    Applicants and Grantees July 2018 v1.4 - July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Introduction to GIFTS GIFTS - is a robust, fully auditable and customisable solution for grant management which streamlines ... and simplifies every aspect of grant management from receipt of proposal through to monitoring and evaluation and finally to closure. The system facilitates the collection and tracking of qualitative / quantitative

  6. GIFTS_system_guide v1 4.pdf

    Applicants and Grantees July 2018 v1.4 - July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Introduction to GIFTS GIFTS - is a robust, fully auditable and customisable solution for grant management which streamlines ... and simplifies every aspect of grant management from receipt of proposal through to monitoring and evaluation and finally to closure. The system facilitates the collection and tracking of qualitative / quantitative

  7. Handout on principles of the Act.docx

    greater control over the support and services they receive to help them achieve well-being and the things that matter most to them – whether that’s to attend a class at their local community centre or access ... access services through the medium of Welsh or English.As a result, care and support services will need to have an even greater focus on maximising people’s independence – helping people remain or become a

  8. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers FINAL.pdf

    top three reasons why an ambulance is called. • • If you’ve fallen once, you are 50% more likely to fall again, with an escalating risk of injury. • • A ‘long lie’ of 12 hours or more can seriously ... from a fall. Public Health Wales indicate that, annually up to 2026: • • 132,000 older people will fall more than once in their own home • • 8,100 will suffer a serious injury and end up in hospital

  9. IG15.pdf

    AgeUKIG15 Common problems and how to manage them. Bladder and bowel problems. 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our ... Age UK’s information and advice helped? If so, we’d love to hear from you to provide relatable examples that benefit others. Email your story to This information guide has been prepared

  10. Advocacy Counts 6 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    Conclusion 7 2. Introduction 9 Methodology 9 3. GTAP progress to date 11 1. To develop a National Framework for Commissioning IPA 11 2. To support and build the capacity of the advocacy sector in Wales ... Voices Heard: Older People’s Access to Independent Advocacy in Wales (May 2018) 14 Making older people’s rights a reality will make Wales the best place in the world to grow old 15 Quality Performance Mark

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