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  1. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    important that local authorities recognise that care homes are one of the places in which advocates will work, which would also promote the preventative agenda of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) ... supplemented by a power to apply to the courts for an Adult Protection and Support Order (APSO). The Order will enable an authorised officer to secure entry to premises in order to speak in private with the adult

  2. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    With Work Programme contracts ending in 2016, the DWP will soon begin designing ‘Work Programme 2’. It is not yet known exactly what this will constitute. It is particularly important that our recommendations ... recommendations are considered in the context of how they will fit into any future system. 2. Key points and policy recommendations • As the Government designs ‘Work Programme 2’, it must embed the Extending

  3. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    influences any changes observed. As a pilot that was initially envisaged to run for six months (it will run over an eight month period by the time the pilot phase ends) and attempting to deliver a new package ... previously very difficult remembering anything…can think of two in particular that regularly go…they will remember sequences of the exercise class and they can link it to a particular song that they heard

  4. RB_Feb17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    Wellbeing in Later Life “WILL”. They can be broadly termed as (1) Conceptual model; (2) Data preparation; (3) Modelling wellbeing; (4) Choice of domains; and (5) Calculating the WILL Index. Each of these ... Calculate overall WILL Index Extensive discussion with policy and services experts for research translation The methods chosen were deemed most suitable in meeting the objectives set out for the WILL Index: 

  5. Employment and Contribution policy statement (September 2016).pdf

    their skills could best be used. Because individual motivation will vary, the same roles, salaries and training or re-training opportunities will not be appropriate for everyone. Employers and governments ... focusing on generic working practices or development programmes, such as assuming older employees will need to improve their I.T. skills. All older people also make a large contribution to the wider economy

  6. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement - March 2019.pdf

    in Financial Services in the UK 3 Welsh Government (2018) Making older people’s rights a reality will make Wales the best place in the world to grow old. 16 May 2018 ... services  Human rights Note: Access to justice, hate crime and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) will be covered in Age Cymru’s public policy statement on ‘Safeguarding older people’. Public policy

  7. RB_April17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    Wellbeing in Later Life “WILL”. They can be broadly termed as (1) Conceptual model; (2) Data preparation; (3) Modelling wellbeing; (4) Choice of domains; and (5) Calculating the WILL Index. Each of these ... Calculate overall WILL Index Extensive discussion with policy and services experts for research translation The methods chosen were deemed most suitable in meeting the objectives set out for the WILL Index: 

  8. Digital Innovation review - November 2018.pdf

    decades. Estimates have indicated that the overall value of the economic contribution of older people will reach around £82 billion by 2030. Unemployment in later life While many older people continue ... flexible working rose from 30% to 38% between 2005 and 2010.1 As the workforce ages more people will need to use differentiated working patterns, so technological developments which facilitate this,

  9. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    that the ‘job blocking’ notion is incorrect and therefore that policy efforts to extend working lives will have no adverse effect at the other end of the age spectrum. The purpose of this paper is to examine ... every occasion, been unfounded. A recent issue of The Economist magazine said: ‘Some fret that there will not be enough jobs to go around. This misapprehension, known to economists as the “lump of labour

  10. IG56.pdf

    feeling guilty, worthless or hopeless • feeling numb • feeling isolated • feeling like bad things will happen to you or your loved ones • feeling tired all the time • feeling confused or forgetting things ... make an appointment to see your doctor. Talking about these things can feel daunting, but your doctor will be used to having these conversations. They’re there to help – they won’t judge you. Depending on

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