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  1. Fuel Poverty policy statement - November 2021.pdf

    EnvisAGE Issue 14: A spotlight on the financial inclusion of older people. Article by Matthew Brindley, Care & Repair Cymru: Improving homes and changing lives for older people in Wales. Age Cymru | EnvisAGE ... EnvisAGE Issue 14: A spotlight on the financial inclusion of older people. Article by Matthew Brindley, Care & Repair Cymru: Improving homes and changing lives for older people in Wales. Age Cymru | EnvisAGE

  2. Carers Guide FINAL (Cym).pdf

    3600 / 36 Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru The Care Collective Mae’r sefydliad yn darparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth i ofalwyr ... Gwybodaeth 47 Age Cymru) A Carers Guide to Managing Medicines (Social Care Wales) Your Mind Matters (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 56 Age UK) When Caring Ends or Changes (Carers Wales) – dod o hyd i amrywiaeth

  3. RB_June14_ppi_financial_resilience_of_recently_retired.pdf

    such as leisure, the acquisition of a disability usually leads to increased costs, such as personal care costs or housing adaptations. The additional costs associated with a disability depend on the type ... career breaks and higher salaries In addition, State Second Pension credits were only given for caring responsibilities from 2002 onwards so many women may have gaps in their contribution record. 25

  4. RB_Summer15_Chief_Economist's_Report.pdf

    numbers in perspective, last year local authorities in England spent £4,960 million in the provision of care homes services to adults aged 65 or over17. ... sizes are insufficient to produce reliable estimates. 17 National Audit Office (2014). “Adult social care in England: overview”. Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General.

  5. RB_2014_Age_UK_Poverty_in_Later_Life.pdf

    resources. Furthermore, people living in poverty and disadvantage may have a greater need for health, care, and other services which will have an impact on the costs of public services. In order to assess ... that poor health ‘pushed down’ material circumstances by stopping some people from managing their own care and also produced additional cost associated with managing health conditions. These costs ranged from

  6. FS7.pdf

    using a suitably qualified solicitor is often a good idea. A solicitor may visit in your own home, care home, or hospital if necessary. The cost of making a will varies according to its complexity. Ask ... necessary documentation can be put in place. Age UK factsheet 7 July 2024 Making a will Page 7 of 16 Care should be taken with any lump sums of money payable on your death, for example, from a pension or

  7. CRS_Oct17_WP_Committee_Pension_Freedoms.pdf

    with bankruptcy law, divorce law and the rules around deprivation of assets in relation to social care. And while some surviving partners may benefit from being able to inherit remaining unannuitised savings

  8. CRS_Jan15_Payment_systems_regulation.pdf

    modernisation of their payment systems by DWP, HMRC and the private sector and changes to delivery of social care as part of the personalisation agenda– increase the reliance of consumers, particularly older people

  9. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    including the dentist. • to deposit and withdraw money from a bank or similar establishment. • to provide care for or to help a vulnerable person, this includes getting food or medicines for them. • help the NHS

  10. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    getting to and from hospital is a major problem for many older people, the heaviest users of secondary care services, even in urban areas. Travel to hospital is widely recognised to be difficult for older people

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