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  1. codicil_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    Codicil form Please keep this with (but not stapled to) your will. If you have any questions about writing a codicil or updating your will, you should seek advice from a solicitor or professional adviser ... support. Send, or give, a copy of the will and codicil (in a sealed envelope, if you prefer) to your executor or other trusted friend, with a note indicating where the original is held. Registered charity

  2. CRS_Nov16_transforming_our_justice_system.pdf

    Consultation Response Age UK’s Response to the Ministry of Justice Consultation Transforming our justice system: assisted digital strategy, online conviction and statutory fines November 2016 ... may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice.

  3. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    Falls awareness education resource pack Key stage 2 2 Falls awareness education resource pack How to use this resource Falling over is a leading cause of injuries, especially among older adults, however ... older. There’s lots that older people, and the people around them can do to reduce the risks. This resource is designed to help children think about falling over, the impact that this could have on people,

  4. CRS_Sept14_Review_of_Money_Advice_Service.pdf

    Call for Evidence Response Review of the Money Advice Service Ref: 1414 Date: 2 September 2014 All rights reserved ... may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name:

  5. Unpaid carers.pdf

    age friendly Wales Unpaid carers The person you’re supporting may be a unpaid carer for the other person/s they live with. It’s useful for you to be aware of this when you’re providing help. • A carer ... who provides unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who is disabled, physically or mentally ill, or affected by substance misuse. • Carers can be involved in a whole range of practical

  6. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    Age Matters The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Summer 2022 Creating an age friendly Wales Our summer celebrations are underway By ... Executive, June 2022 Welcome to the Summer edition of Age Matters. Summer is on its way and we’ve just celebrated Volunteers Week and Carers Week which are both important points in the Age Cymru annual calendar

  7. CRS_May16_Multimorbidity_clinical_assessment_and_management.pdf

    Please return to: [insert email address] Please read the checklist for submitting comments at the end of this form. We cannot accept forms that are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views ... costs, and do you consider that the reasons given in the guideline are sufficient to justify this? 2. Which areas will have the biggest impact on practice and be challenging to implement? Please say for whom

  8. CRS_June16_Ofcom_broadband_USO.pdf

    Consultation Response Ref 2016 Ofcom call for inputs on ‘Designing the broadband universal service obligation’ June 2016 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts ... parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Phil Mawhinney phil.mawhinney@ageuk

  9. Local Toilets Strategies - April 2018.pdf

    Government April 2018 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe that older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them.

  10. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    encourages people to suggest their favourite poems, as well as creating something new from them. • Write down a well-known poem • Cut out each line • Put each line in a hat or bag • Ask someone to randomly pick ... poetry It can be scary looking at a blank page and trying to write a poem. This exercise gives people a good starting point to work from. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Words Birds Birds can be a great theme

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