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  1. CRS_Aug12_Age_UK_response_on_Universal_Credit _Work_and_Pensions_Committee.pdf

    not remove, the difference between Universal Credit and Pension Credit rates. 3.7 And it is unclear what the position will be if it is the older partner who is disabled. Someone who is say 70 will not be

  2. RB_June11_10_questions_for_the_local_public_sector.pdf

    Pride of Place – How councillors can improve neighbourhoods for older people This report outlines what local councillors can do to improve neighbourhoods for older people in their ward or division. Age

  3. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    campaign ‘Painful Journeys’.10 Comments relating to Consultation Questions Consultation Question 7: What additional action could Government, regulators or transport bodies take to ensure that transport providers

  4. Winter 2022 Newsletter web.pdf

    Age Cymru this year looking for support. Gwen knows the pain of feeling alone and isolated but also what it’s like to find a light in the darkness through the gift of friendship after signing up to our Friend

  5. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    isolation in later life ( This report brought together what was known about support that appeared to work to help alleviate loneliness. A number of services were ... Loneliness (i.e. how to reach older people who are lonely, how to understand their loneliness and what support best helps them). This document can be found at Measuring

  6. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    to have to pay exit fees to sell it, and has also had to pay a service charge to receive info about what the service charge was spent on. C has read a lot of info online about possible changes to management

  7. CRS_Oct15_Refreshing_Public_health_outcomes_framework.pdf

    Healthcare public health indicator 4.04: Under 75 mortality rate from all cardiovascular diseases*  What change would you like to make to this indicator? REVISE REPLACE REMOVE  Please describe your

  8. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    starts from the day when the first person in your house became ill. If not possible, then you should do what you can to limit your social contact when you leave the house to get supplies. Staying at home for

  9. Advocacy Newsletter March Eng 2020.pdf

    Welsh Advocacy Conference, thank you. If you hadn’t all worked with us we couldn’t have achieved what we have. We have been challenged by many things during our work and together have found innovative

  10. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    Democrats), Natalie Bennett (Green Party) and Mark Reckless (UKIP) attended the rally and explained what they would do, if elected, for older people today and in the future. In a lively debate, older people

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