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  1. CRS_Feb17_Improving_lives_work_and_health_green_paper.pdf

    period to make a request, so jobseekers can ask for flexible working at the point of recruitment, and will benefit many disabled jobseekers. 3 1. Introduction Age UK is pleased that the Government has ... good quality. Hopefully the Review into Modern Employment Practices being conducted by Matthew Taylor will progress this issue. Regardless of the Taylor Review, job quality is likely to become more topical

  2. National Development Framework - March 2017.pdf

    achievement for our society. It provides us with opportunities for the future, but also challenges and it will require changes to the way in which we plan and deliver public services. The fact that ... should be a key consideration in the NDF, and that planning decisions should take into account how they will affect people across different stages of the life course of future generations. Given that Wales

  3. RB_July15_AgeUK_survey_attitudes_to_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    who have only an annuity income (i.e. no final salary pension) at six per cent. This suggests there will be only limited demand for re-assigning or re-selling annuities. It may be, of course, that asking ... annuity, as set out below. Gender There is some gender variation, with only two per cent of men willing to consider cashing in while six per cent of women would. This might be because women typically have

  4. IG57.pdf

    are lots of organisations that can help you get back in control. Many offer free advice, and some will even help you create a personalised, step-by-step plan to become debt-free. Even if it seems impossible ... They should advise you on how to contact your creditors to arrange any repayments. Some advisers will help you with negotiating with your creditors. Let the adviser know if you’re facing an emergency

  5. Age Cymru response to community nursing specification .pdf

    a change can be implemented. Whilst we understand that calculating accurately safe staffing levels will take time to achieve, it is important that work in this area is implemented at pace to ensure that ... care in later years, it’s likely that the number of older people in residential (non-nursing) care will increase. As such it is important that community staffing structures reflect this important area of

  6. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    yn adnabod rhywun sy’n fodlon helpu, ond efallai na fydd yn gallu eu cadw’n barhaol. Mae Cinnamon Trust (ewch i dudalen 38) yn elusen i bobl hŷn â’u hanifeiliaid anwes. Gall eu gwirfoddolwyr eich helpu ... Cinnamon Trust ofalu am eich anifail anwes am weddill ei oes ar ôl i chi farw. Mae Dogs Trust (ewch i dudalen 39) yn cynnig Cynllun Cerdyn Gofal Cŵn am ddim. Ar ôl i chi farw, bydd staff Dogs Trust yn trefnu

  7. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    steps towards improved regulation to offer better protection to older leaseholders. Self-regulation will be insufficient to curb bad practice and over-charging in parts of the sector. Over the years voluntary ... charges for older leaseholders. Managing agents may argue that increased selfregulation will incur higher costs which will need to be covered by charges. However, many of the suggested reforms should be offered

  8. IG15.pdf

    problem 14 Checking for bowel cancer 16 Getting medical help Talking to a health professional 20 What will a health professional need to know? 21 Bladder or bowel diary 22 Treatments for bladder and bowel ... to a hospital specialist, who might want to carry out tests to help diagnose your problem. 21 What will a health professional need to know? A health professional may ask you questions to help them understand

  9. Housing policy statement March 2020.pdf

    in Wales built to Lifetime Home standards,3 making them suitable for people of all ages, and which will be easier and less costly to adapt if people’s needs change. Older people are most likely to suffer ... access the variety of housing options and support models available for older people knowing that they will be accepted and can live in an inclusive, safe environment. Local authorities should ensure that language

  10. CRS_March16_Future_flood_ prevention_inquiry_response.pdf

    Age UKs. To protect communities from this harm, local authorities should provide lists of local ‘trusted traders’, in partnership with voluntary sector organisations. 10. Support should continue in the

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