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  1. This is older - English.pdf

    interests, to consider their representation in the media. The representations we currently see fall into extremes and reinforce stereotypes of ageing. For example, wrinkly hands on the walking stick to the extraordinary ... mobile, sociable, isolated, glamorous, happy to blend in, happy, sad and the full range of emotions in between, well-off, living in poverty, independent to dependent. A collective voice is a powerful voice

  2. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_Offenders.pdf

    having seen a 10% rise in the year to March 2016. The 50-59 age group is the second fastest growing group, with the numbers rising by 6% over the same period.1 From 2002 to 2016 the number of older prisoners ... prisoners aged 50-59 has more than doubled with 25 older prisoners in 2016 for every 10 in 2002. From 2002 to 2016 the number of older prisoners aged over 60 has nearly trebled with 29 older prisoners in 2016

  3. CRS_Oct16_Reporting_acting_on_child_abuse_and_neglect.pdf

    Consultation Response Reporting and acting on child abuse and neglect: Home Office and Department for Education October, 2016 Ref 3016 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce ... of child abuse and neglect or a duty to act in relation to child abuse or neglect. It also seeks views on whether the scope of these possible changes should extend to vulnerable adults. Key points and recommendations

  4. RB_Oct14_NHS_Five_Year_Forward_View.pdf

    CONTENTS Foreword… 2 Executive summary… 3 Chapter One – Why will the NHS need to change? 7 Chapter Two – What will the future look like? A new relationship with patients ... modern society. It was founded in 1948 in place of fear -the fear that many people had of being unable to afford medical treatment for themselves and their families. And it was founded in a spirit of optimism

  5. CRS_Oct15_Dementia_inquiry_into_dementia_and_comorbidities.pdf

    Dementia is seeking responses to a call for evidence for their 2015 inquiry into dementia and co-morbidities. Introduction In 2014, around 850,000 people in the UK were estimated to have dementia (both diagnosed ... people with dementiai. These figures are likely to increase significantly as the UK’s population ages, with the total number of people with dementia predicted to exceed 1 million by 2021ii. Alzheimer’s disease

  6. RB_March14_Digitalbydefault_Government_services_online.pdf

    Government wants more people to access public services online. The aim is to make services more efficient and cost-effective but also to provide information and access to services in a way that is quick ... those who can use them will choose to do so whilst those who can’t are not excluded’ It also states that ‘it is important that we do not leave anyone behind in this move to a digital by default approach’

  7. MCR - JM female case story.pdf

    cetera ET cetera Ideally, it would be good to include a quote, attributed by name & employer and be accompanied by a photo. Once written, this will need to be Oked by the older person themselves. 1 ... planning, but was feeling it was too late to make career changes since she feels there seems to be more focus on younger people. Work life balance is especially important to her as she is responsibly for looking

  8. Valuing Voices in Wales - English - October 2020.pdf

    the pandemic. A core tenet of advocacy is to redress inequality so that people’s rights are upheld and that they are respected as individuals who are listened to and understood irrespective of who they are ... but it represents a significant number of advocates working across Wales who are in a unique position to identify weaknesses in systems and blanket abuses of rights. There are widespread and profound concerns

  9. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet).pdf

    local Age UKs to become dementia friendly The Dementia Friendly Programme supported local Age UKs to become more dementia friendly; expert support was provided to help local Ages UKs to review the accessibility ... people living with dementia. Since 2013, 46 local Age UKs in England have been supported to help shape their services to be more inclusive for older people living with dementia. The support provided focused

  10. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    Local Government and Housing Committee Priorities for the sixth Senedd Age Cymru is pleased to respond to the Local Government and Housing Committee’s consultation regarding key priority areas that should ... the impact of Covid and recovery from the pandemic. We think a priority for the Committee should be to consider how the built environment post-Covid will facilitate the creation of an age friendly Wales

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