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  1. RB_June14_Generation_R_Research.pdf

    Thinks for their excellent, insightful qualitative research. Most of all we are indebted to the people who participated in our qualitative research, who shared their experiences, thoughts, strengths ... generates valid, reliable and sound evidence for the Age UK Group. It provides novel insights into older people’s issues, providing a mandate of evidence for all that Age UK does. It also develops thought leadership

  2. IL6.pdf

    Information written with you in mind. This information guide has been produced with the help of older people, carers and expert peer reviewers. Published: August 2024 3 Contents. What this guide is about ... Frequently asked questions. 22. Useful organisations. 23. 4 What this guide is about. As we get older, lots of us start to think about how we’ll manage financially. You might be considering equity release

  3. RB_Sept17_Age_UK_Budget_Representation.pdf

    include properly funded, practical measures for improving the quality of and access to care for older people in need of it today. Indeed, for Age UK a 'cap', while welcome, is the lower of these two priorities ... route-map to increase auto-enrolment contributions beyond the planned 8 per cent, and extend coverage to people on lower incomes, those with multiple low-paying jobs, and the selfemployed. In the meantime, it

  4. Age Cymru Emotional health and wellbeing leaflet.pdf

    misunderstandings Depression affects people of all ages yet it’s commonly misunderstood. This leaflet provides information on recognising and dealing with depression as we grow older. From time to time we can all ... treatable condition. It’s estimated that one in six people develop clinical depression after they reach 65; this figure can rise to more than one in three for people living in care homes. Signs and symptoms You

  5. CRS_April15_FCA_Access_Scoping_Study_response.pdf

    in-branch or in a close substitute for a bank branch.  The persistence of a group of non-digital older people and therefore the need for continued access to financial services by non-digital means.  The ... and social enterprise driven by the needs and aspirations of people in later life. We provide information and advice to over five million people each year, conduct campaigns, training and research focused

  6. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances_IACL.pdf

    individuals, including many vulnerable and hard-to-reach older people. Key points and recommendations • Informal learning is greatly valued by people in later life, and the Adult Safeguarded Learning budget ... in later life, for example helping tackle social isolation and improving mental health. • Many older people view learning as a means to community engagement, whether through organising provision or simply

  7. RB_Oct12_Age_Disc_Reg.pdf

    victimisation defined as follows: Direct discrimination will be deemed to have occurred where an older person is treated less favourably than others would be treated, because of their age. Indirect discrimination ... procedures operating, which have the effect of discriminating against certain groups of people, in this case older people. This may happen in subtle ways. Harassment involves unwanted conduct which is related

  8. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    get another job than for any other age group. It can be very difficult or even impossible for these people to move back into work, often because of ageist attitudes by employers, a lack of high quality advice ... State Pension age rises will make this issue more acute. It will mean more people are needing to look for work until older ages, increasing the pressure on the employment support infrastructure. If this

  9. The Equality Act

    you can pay for an item in instalments but only if you are working, this would disadvantage retired people. Harassment This is when you experience behaviour that makes you feel intimidated, humiliated, or ... Public Sector Equality Duty. Public bodies must consider the needs of people with protected characteristics, including older people, when planning or carrying out their public duties or services. For example

  10. CRS_March16_Updating_the_NHS_Constitution.pdf

    diagnosis of mental health conditions in older people and inequalities in access to services. The Royal College of Psychiatrists estimates that 85% of older people with depression receive no help at all ... affects 40% of older people in care homes, and 78% have at least one form of cognitive impairment. The evidence for both under-provision of mental health services and support among older people and poor regard

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