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  1. FS68.pdf

    Supported housing is accommodation that is provided to people in conjunction with support, supervision or care to enable people to live as independently as possible within the community. This might include older ... share accommodation with a member of their family);  you live in a hostel or refuge;  you live in a care home; 4 ‘Fundamental terms of occupation contracts’, Shelter Cymru website: https://sheltercymru

  2. FS7.pdf

    using a suitably qualified solicitor is often a good idea. A solicitor may visit in your own home, care home, or hospital if necessary. The cost of making a will varies according to its complexity. Ask ... necessary documentation can be put in place. Age UK factsheet 7 July 2024 Making a will Page 7 of 16 Care should be taken with any lump sums of money payable on your death, for example, from a pension or

  3. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    damage to personal relationships. This results in some people needing support from health or social care services, where they have not previously required such help.2 The Government should be fully aware

  4. RB_Oct17_Creating_a_career_MOT_at_50.pdf

    consider their future work and learning options, as well as managing changing needs (for example caring for a relative) as people approach later life.i Work and learning were the crucial elements of this

  5. RB_Oct17_Creating_a_career_MOT_at_50.docx

    consider their future work and learning options, as well as managing changing needs (for example caring for a relative) as people approach later life.Work and learning were the crucial elements of this

  6. RB_March12_Getting_out_and_about.pdf

    There is an obvious benefit to individuals here, but also to the public purse if health and social care services are not needed because people are healthier. One of the key aims of introducing a universal

  7. Keeping well at home.pdf

    overwhelming and cause people to be anxious or confused. Tips to support people could include; • Being careful where they get news and health information from. Find a credible source you can trust – such as Welsh

  8. Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    models to meet social care needs report https://www.adss. cymru/en/blog/post/innovative-funding-models-to-meet-social-care-needs iii) Milsom S & Breeze C, August 2020 Rebalancing Social Care: A report on Adult ... 20-rebalancing-social-care-a-report-on-adult-services iv)

  9. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    Although they are unlikely to have been aware of this at the time of signing up for the courses after-care and support is a key feature in encouraging continued use of the internet and further learning. A ... people could access with free internet, any special packages for older people and any drop-in and after care services people can use so people do not feel they have to buy their own computers/have broadband

  10. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    uk/ socialcareworkforce/2020/12/10/toolkit-for-reflection-on-human-rights-in-the-context-ofsocial-care.) Maent hefyd wedi cynhyrchu gweithgaredd myfyriol y gallwch roi cynnig arno nawr: Pe bawn i’n disgrifio ... uk/ socialcareworkforce/2020/12/10/toolkit-for-reflection-on-human-rights-in-the-context-ofsocial-care/ Adnoddau pellach gan Gomisiwn Hawliau Dynol yr Alban Dull Seiliedig ar Hawliau Dynol | Comisiwn

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