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  1. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    questions about care funding but questions about funding retirement more broadly. And critically it will focus on developing ideas and solutions to these questions. We think that the artificial separation ... care requires more funding, this paper argues the proposed measures outlined in the Spending Review will not be sufficient to meet the growing care needs of an ageing population. Indeed, they are likely to

  2. Health services and the NHS policy statement - May 2016[1].pdf

    health care, and driving up standards and quality to ensure older people in Wales can be confident they will receive dignified care in all settings. Summary of Public Policy Proposals General • Older people ... Local Health Board should clearly identify how the intended shift of resources to the community sector will be achieved in practice and the impact monitored. Care Homes • People who live in care homes have

  3. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers FINAL.pdf

    or informal carers that will come across older or vulnerable people at risk of a fall or having already fallen. Their assistance in managing situations or preventing a fall will be critical. Did you know ... 000 older people will fall more than once in their own home • • 8,100 will suffer a serious injury and end up in hospital • • 3,000 will need a hip replacement • • 1,500 will lose their independence

  4. IICSA Presentation Advocacy Conference 2019 .pdf

    experience through the Truth Project. Participant will tell us if they wish to share their experience at a private session or in writing. Inquiry Office will respond via the participants preferred method ... of communication - email, phone or post Share your experience at a private session Inquiry Office will note preference for location, date, time, journey and any accompany companions and issue confirmation

  5. Health improvement and prevention policy statement - Jan 2016.pdf

    older. A report by Alcohol Concern Cymru10 Substance misuse among older people can take different forms. Increasingly, as a consequence of the ageing of those generations that were more accepting of experimentation ... and then wishes access those services again within the relevant discharge period, those services will no longer be available to them, simply on the grounds of their age. To the extent that this has not

  6. CRS_April16_cms_energy_market_investigation.pdf

    number of concerns, chiefly that many older people – including those in vulnerable circumstances – will continue to be disengaged from the energy market despite the support on offer. Solutions are needed ... move towards principles-based regulation, Ofgem should set out a clear and robust plan for how it will police supplier behaviour and enforce good practice. 3 3. Supporting and protecting ‘disengaged’

  7. Board of Trustees

    external service providers. Key areas of responsibility in Diane’s role prior to retirement will enable her to support the work of the Charity and she is keen to help develop, expand and promote

  8. CRS_Feb17_NICE_quality_standard_on_Multimorbidity.pdf

    quality statement how other conditions, factors, and the general cumulative effect of multimorbidity will impact on the outcomes of these tests, which should be taken into account. Assessment and care planning ... geriatric assessment (CGA) or similar multi-disciplinary approach with the tools listed here acting as one form of identifying people that are likely to benefit from these approaches. This could help to ensure

  9. Advocacy windscreen wiper E and W PDF.pdf

    professionals as part of their role Independent Professional Advocacy (IPA) under SSWb Act Other forms of independent advocacy (non-statutory) Advocacy Services As described in the Social Services and

  10. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    funding allocation cannot fix the crisis facing social care. The improved working that this transfer will support can only mitigate, not solve, the huge reduction in the availability of services caused by ... Prospects for the future Better Care Fund From 2015/16 councils and clinical commissioning groups will jointly decide how to spend the £3.8 billion fund for health and social care (The Better Care Fund

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