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  1. codicil_form_Age_Cymru.pdf

    Codicil form Please keep this with (but not stapled to) your will. If you have any questions about writing a codicil or updating your will, you should seek advice from a solicitor or professional adviser ... support. Send, or give, a copy of the will and codicil (in a sealed envelope, if you prefer) to your executor or other trusted friend, with a note indicating where the original is held. Registered charity

  2. GCBH_Brain-Social-Connectedness.pdf

    SM The Brain and Social Connectedness: GCBH Recommendations on Social Engagement and Brain Health The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals ... and policy experts from around the world working in areas of brain health related to human cognition. The GCBH focuses on brain health relating to people’s ability to think and reason as they age, including

  3. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    Age & Dementia Friendly Gymnastics Programme An Evaluation of the British Gymnastics Foundation Pilot Vinal K Karania Research Manager (Evaluation & Impact) Research ... Acknowledgements The author of this report would like to thank the British Gymnastics Foundation (in particular Patrick Bonner), the activity coach (Kim Hall), representatives of the participating organisations

  4. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    Falls awareness education resource pack Key stage 2 2 Falls awareness education resource pack How to use this resource Falling over is a leading cause of injuries, especially among older adults, however ... older. There’s lots that older people, and the people around them can do to reduce the risks. This resource is designed to help children think about falling over, the impact that this could have on people,

  5. Tell Me More report (English).pdf

    1 Tell Me More Report on the care home resident engagement project The aim of the Tell Me More project funded by Welsh Government in line with the Care Home Action Plan Care homes action plan: final ... GOV.WALES is to discover what life has been like for older people living in care homes during the Covid Pandemic. The outcome will be a written report and short animated film featuring the voices of care

  6. AC_Flyer_ ENG_06_2021_2.pdf

    you all. We’d love to connect with some of your residents to find how they are doing at the moment via zoom. Having a chat can really help wellbeing in general but we’d also like to record resident’s thoughts ... which may help to shape future care policy. For more info email This is the link to our pilot film taken from the voices of the residents: Creating

  7. RB_Oct15_Diversity_Dementia_Gearing_up.pdf

    Housing Associations’ responses to tenants with dementia from black and minority ethnic groups Valerie Lipman, Jill Manthorpe About the Authors Valerie Lipman has worked in the older people’s voluntary sector ... race and ethnicity in the sector. She is currently a post-doctoral research intern at the Social Care Workforce Research Unit, King’s College London. Jill Manthorpe is Director of the Social Care Workforce

  8. CRS_Oct17_WP_Committee_Pension_Freedoms.pdf

    Submission to the Work and Pensions Committee Pension freedoms inquiry October 2017 Ref: 2217 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic ... academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Christopher Brooks, Senior Policy Manager christopher

  9. Safeguarding older people - May 2021.pdf

    Summary We all have the right to live free from abuse of any kind. Our age or circumstances should have no bearing or effect on this basic right.1 Age does not diminish an individual’s right to live with dignity ... an Ageing Society Strategy to implement a national plan to prevent abuse of older people.3 Legislation is an essential component of safeguarding adults; it has the capacity to set statutory duties and powers

  10. CRS_May16_Multimorbidity_clinical_assessment_and_management.pdf

    Please return to: [insert email address] Please read the checklist for submitting comments at the end of this form. We cannot accept forms that are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views ... costs, and do you consider that the reasons given in the guideline are sufficient to justify this? 2. Which areas will have the biggest impact on practice and be challenging to implement? Please say for whom

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