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  1. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    .................................................................. 4 Multi-dimensional instruments to measure of loneliness .............................................................. 5 Loneliness as ... loneliness are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s as people with a low degree of loneliness.5  86% of over 65s say they are satisfied with their personal relationships. This is the lowest of all age groups

  2. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    rhag sgamiau a thwyll, ac i gynorthwyo dioddefwyr. Working together to help better protect people in Wales from scams and fraud, and to support victims. Gall cael eich sgamio neu eich targedu gan dwyll ... Improve public awareness of scams and fraud and increase knowledge about the steps people can take to protect themselves. • Remove stigma and embarrassment about being a victim of scams and ensure that

  3. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    2012/13 Improving later life. Today and tomorrow. This is the story of Age UK’s year. We are very proud of our achievements. We exist to stand up for the 14 million people in the UK and 846 million people ... people internationally who have now reached later life, but also to speak for the long-term interests of every one of us. We do so by working with partners in the UK and around the world. We work with Age

  4. Employment and Contribution policy statement - September 2019.pdf

    significant contribution to Welsh life and the Welsh economy. After taking account of the costs of an ageing population, older people make a net contribution of almost £6 million per day to the Welsh economy ... other personal characteristics. Nevertheless, it is sometimes helpful to quantify the size of the contributions that are made by older people in order to combat ageist assumptions or negative attitudes

  5. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 8 E FINAL.pdf

    Age Cymru is grateful to all of the advocacy service providers who took time to complete the online survey and to those who agreed to be contacted in order to get some more detailed responses to some of ... of the issues raised. We would also like to thank everyone who assisted in preparing the survey and in the production of the report. For further information, please contact: Louise Hughes Head of Safeguarding

  6. Terms and Conditions

    Legal information Age Cymru Age Cymru is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, (registered charity number 1128436 and registered company number 6837284). Registered office: Ground ... 1 April 2009 to form Age Cymru. Age UK provides Age Cymru with a website hosting service. This means that Age UK provides connectivity and space on a server owned by Age UK for use by its National Partners

  7. annual_review_2013_2014.pdf

    brings many things to the surface. I’m happy and contented in my life.’ Velda, 76 Our year Annual Review 2013/14 Age UK’s vision is for a world where everyone can love later life. We know it’s ambitious, because ... challenges. But that doesn’t stop us being ourselves. We still want to laugh, love, be needed and keep doing the things that matter to us. We’re very proud of the achievements that will help make our vision

  8. Webinar summary report - Final.pdf

    advocacy services with NDTi. The document had been provided to delegates when signing up to the webinar and formed the basis of discussions around its key five principals: ... were asked to consider; why the principles were important to them, what was challenging and what was working well. Summary of Group Discussions: The historic difficulties relating to access to advocacy

  9. CRS_Feb17_CQC_Next_phase_of_regulation_consultation.pdf

    Date: February 2017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6

  10. Age Cymru response Rebalancing Care and Support Consultation 6th April 2021.pdf

    relates to the challenge of providing a service where demand far outstrips supply and against the backdrop of ever reducing funding levels. Funding levels impact greatly on commissioners’ ability to plan ... Despite the will of staff and leaders to provide good quality care and support as envisaged through the Social Services and Well-being Act, changes to date appear to have largely been small in scale, rather

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