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  1. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_summary.pdf

    achieving a 25% reduction in preventable illness and mortality by 2025. Unmet need for care rising What unmet need means for older people Unequal treatment in the NHS Impact on carers Health and care U ... (2013/14) 5.0% (2013) High quality health and care 16 High quality care that treats us with dignity is what we would all hope for as we age. Although the Government recognises this, too often standards on the

  2. RB_Feb17_The_Health_and_Care_of_Older_People_in_England_2017.pdf

    ultimately, we have compiled this report – to aid our understanding of what is working well in terms of health and care and what needs to change to enable all of us to live as well as we possibly can as ... the provisions set out in the 2015 Spending Review and Autumn Statement (SR2015), fell far short of what would be required to maintain the wholly inadequate status quo, let alone provide the means to invest

  3. Age Cymru - Older people in Wales - facts and statistics 2021.pdf

    requests.  51% of respondents said they have not tried to access support either because they don’t know what’s available, are reluctant to seek external help for either themselves of the person they care for ... Society’s view on demography. Available at: [Accessed July 29, 2021] 76 Alzheimer's Society. (2020). Alzheimer’s Society’s

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    in later life to make the most of their money. Your money‘You have to get on with what you have, and make the most of what you’ve got.’ Dorothy, 97 Pages 17–19 We want to see a world where everyone in later ... programmes in 16 countries. 10 Age UK. Love later life ‘You have to get on with what you have, and make the most of what you’ve got.’ Dorothy, 97 11Report of Trustees and Annual Accounts 2013/14 Your money

  5. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    ............................................................................................... 8 What should be done to address this failing? ......................................................... ... qualifications a long time ago.”vii In short, barriers to work are directly enhanced by the jobseeker’s age. What should be done to address this failing? Based on this analysis, and the available evidence – including

  6. RB_Jan16_Predicting_the_prevalence_of_loneliness_at_older_ages.pdf

    covers the whole country but has not recorded the variable under study –i.e. feeling of loneliness. What to do, then, in order to predict prevalence of loneliness by local area? This paper presents one approach: ... effects on loneliness in later life. With regards to predictor variables, the results tend to confirm what has been reported in the literature: widowhood, housing tenure, and poor self-reported health are

  7. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    environment, and a lack of services can lead to older people being cut off within communities, and what should be an enjoyable stage of life can become a time of loneliness and isolation. If an older person ... people in the village do not have access to the internet and therefore have no means of finding out what, if anything is going on in [the village] (Powys) • I will attend the Forum, where people voice their

  8. Later_Life_UK_factsheet.pdf

    out of 15), thermal performance (6 out of 8), and the gap between current thermal performance and what the optimal level of insulation should be in each country (7 out of 8). Overall, no other country ... organisations cover a wide range of information including: who is using the internet, where, and for what purposes. ONS and Ofcom use slightly different questions on internet use. ONS asks if people have

  9. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    do. Let other people worry about your age. If you want to do it, get on and do it. That’s exactly what I’ve done.’ James Perry, Joint Internet Champion of the Year 2013 17 Money matters Health & wellbeing ... could expect to live to the age of 77. Today, he can expect to live to 86, and by 2050 to 91.18 But what about quality of life? The research evidence shows that it is not money or other possessions that

  10. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    However, many older people come up against barriers that prevent their participation in communities, and what should be an enjoyable stage of life can become a time of loneliness and isolation. Age Cymru’s Community ... provides a mechanism to enable service providers to plan their provision, and for the public to know what they can expect from their library service.44,45 With a number of information services increasingly

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