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  1. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    am ein gwaith eiriolaeth ffoniwch 029 2043 1555, e-bostiwch: neu ewch i: Ariannu Prosiectau HOPE Mae HOPE (Helpu eraill i gymryd rhan ac ymgysylltu) ... HOPE a bydd yn parhau i gefnogi prosiect HOPE drwy gydol 2022. Mae Qualia Law yn aelod o Advice UK ac mae'n cael ei ariannu gan y Sefydliad Cymorth i Elusennau'r Loteri Genedlaethol, ac UnLtd. Mae

  2. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    bobl mewn angen dybryd yn eu hardaloedd. I gefnogi apêl frys Age Cymru, ewch i: Gallwch hefyd ffonio 08000 223 444 i gyfrannu. Dyma beth mae rhai o'n darparwyr yn ei ddweud ... a chymryd meddyginiaeth yn ystod argyfwng y coronafeirws. Am fanylion, ewch i: Ffôn: 01352 700 741 Mind Cwm Taf Morgannwg - Shian Neale Gwasanaeth Eiriolaeth

  3. FS40w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 40w  August 2024 Deprivation of assets in the means test for care home provision in Wales Factsheet 40w  August 2024 ... applicable in Wales. Different rules may apply in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Contact Age UK, Age NI and Age Scotland respectively for further information. 1.1 Definitions and terminology Local

  4. FS6w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 6w  July 2022 Finding help at home in Wales Factsheet 6w  July 2022 ... applicable in Wales. Different rules may apply in England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Contact Age UK, Age NI and Age Scotland respectively for further information. 1.1 Local authority social services

  5. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_080216.pdf

    introduced the new Local Government Association’s guide “Combatting Loneliness”, produced alongside Age UK and the Campaign to End Loneliness, which contained practical steps for local authorities to take. ... introduced the next speaker, Jason Connon, National Development Manager at Zurich and a volunteer for Age UK’s Call in Time telephone befriending scheme. Jason Connon – Jason introduced the Call in Time scheme

  6. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    information, please contact the Golden Thread Advocacy Team by emailing Marc Forster, Partnerships Officer, Age Cymru Continued….. ... of the advocacy networks, please contact Marc Forster on 07932 989656 or Marc Forster, Partnerships Officer, Age Cymru National Social Care Conference The Golden Thread

  7. big-knit-pattern---advanced.pdf

    Easy peasy (well, it is if you take a look at the champion ‘how to knit’ guide at which will give you everything you need.) But if you’ve done a bit in the past, here’s a reminder of

  8. Public health approach to gender based violence - Age Cymru consultation response April 2023.pdf

    only asked questions until the age of 74. This change has meant that research from our partner Age UK shows that 1 in 30 people aged 60 to 74 and approximately 1 in 50 people aged 75+ were subjected to ... bias can mean that a criminal justice 1 Age UK article December 2022 New data on domestic abuse in older people accessed 21/4/23

  9. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    Measuring the Mountain’s website or contact the Project Manager, Katie Cooke: / 07964 407739. Links Measuring the Mountain: SenseMaker: ... This, the 4th edition of the QPM which was formally launched in May 2018. Older People’s Commissioner for Wales—Making

  10. Newsletter Nov 2020 WELSH v2.pdf

    cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Rhifyn yr Hydref 2020 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar 2 Y cylchlythyr chwarterol gan Age Cymru Autumn Edition ... cymunedol a gwneud penderfyniadau. I rannu eich barn anfonwch e-bost at: Beth yw bod yn hŷn– prosiect yn archwilio’r portread o bobl hŷn mewn cymdeithas Mae rhaglen Gwanwyn

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