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  1. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    findings from older carers 2 For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers Introduction Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak, it was estimated that there are more than 370,000 unpaid carers in Wales. More ... Unpaid carers provide support to relatives, friends or neighbours who have a disability, physical or mental health needs, or who are affected by addiction. Support they give can include cooking and cleaning

  2. CRS_Oct11_Strategic_Framework_for_Road_Safety.pdf

    national charity and social enterprise working to transform later life in the UK and overseas. Our vision is of a world in which older people flourish. We aim to improve later life for everyone through our ... whether the strategic framework will fulfil the government’s aims. Age UK welcomes the opportunity to comment on the role of older people in this strategic framework. In this response we will be focusing

  3. CRS_Jan17_ FCA_Mission_Statement_2017.pdf

    London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) wants to provide guidelines to explain how they interpret their objectives and choose their business plan priorities. The ... explains the FCA’s approach and asks the key questions they need to answer as a conduct regulator. These include questions relating to consumer responsibility and vulnerability, their role in encouraging

  4. Advocacy.pdf

    Advocacy is an important service to support people to have their voices heard, their wishes respected and to feel equal in relationships with others so that they can feel empowered to speak up and be involved ... people to have their rights upheld, to express their views and opinions, to make decisions about things that affect their life, and if necessary to represent people’s views at meetings. An advocate can help

  5. RB_Oct11_age_regulations_five_years_on.pdf

    1 The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations were introduced in to UK law on 1 October 2006. They were aimed at securing the legal rights of older workers and engendering a cultural change towards more ... undermined by the Default Retirement Age – an anomaly contained within the legislation allowing employers to force people from their workforce. This briefing examines the level of impact the Regulations have

  6. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    time and who is at greatest risk. What do we mean by poverty? We consider people to be living in poverty when their resources are not enough to meet their basic needs and also to allow them to take part ... mean struggling to cover food and energy bills, watching every penny spent, worrying that nothing is set aside for a sudden emergency such as the cooker breaking down, or being unable to afford the cost

  7. More money in your pocket

    £200m worth of Pension Credit and other state benefits goes unclaimed by older people in Wales. We can help make sure you're not missing out.

  8. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    Policy Statement Safeguarding older people June 2017 Summary All older people in Wales have the right to a life free from abuse. There are ‘few more basic human rights than that of being protected from violence ... neglect. Agencies must work together to safeguard individuals, to uphold an individual’s fundamental right to be safe, to minimise vulnerability, and to support those who have experienced abuse or neglect

  9. In your area

    independent local partners across Wales. We work together with Age NI   Age Scotland and Age UK to improve the lives of older people. Your local Age Cymru partner helps with things like befriending ... Each local Age Cymru partner is an independent charity and together we work in strong partnership to promote the well-being of older people through national and local campaigns, through our political

  10. CRS_Oct15_Primary_Care_Public_Health_Inquiry.pdf

    Primary Care and Public Health is seeking views on specific aspects of the NHS Five Year Forward View to accelerate positive behaviour change towards prevention and self-care. The NHS Five Year Forward View ... leaders in England, and sets out how the NHS needs to evolve over the next five years. This inquiry focuses on the further steps that may be taken to affect behaviour change and concentrates on information

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