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  1. CRS_Oct14_Home_Office_Domestic_abuse_consultation.pdf

    work (resulting in increased contact), abuse resulting from stress associated with caring roles and social or geographical isolation may make older people more vulnerable to abuse. Age-related needs may increase ... particular need, in our view, for practitioners in the Police, NHS and Social Services to be able to more effectively differentiate between a social care need, caused by a condition such as dementia, from a pattern

  2. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    1998) Predisposing factors Precipitating events Needed or desired social relations Actual social relations Mismatch of needed vs. actual social relations Cognitions Attributions Experience of loneliness Reactions ... likely to be the most disadvantaged, more likely to have low incomes, poor health and limited or no social and friend networks to help them through difficult times. So that older people thrive rather than

  3. RB_Sept14_Ethnicity_and_occupational_pension.pdf

    status, such as education which is lower than a Degree, renting one’s home, belonging to a lower social classification and to the lower quintiles of the takehome pay distribution, are negatively associated ... lower socio-economic status, such as lower education, renting one’s home, belonging to the lower social classifications and belonging to the lower quintiles of the take-home pay distribution are negatively

  4. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    helpful to detail timescales for completion. 2 We note that the consultation has primarily relied on social media, which is entirely understandable during the pandemic. However, many older people in Wales ... spoke of additional concerns they can experience in rural areas and how their remoteness can be very socially isolating.2 Rurality and distance from services can mean that there will be higher resourcing requirements

  5. CRS_Aug16_HASC_inquiry_hate_crime_submission.pdf

    prevent individuals from reporting hate crime, and measures to improve reporting rates. - The role of social media companies and other online platforms in helping to identify online sources of hate crime and ... of those who were presumed to be ‘to blame’ including older people who were described, not only in social media but also in some opinion pieces in the broadsheets, as case ‘wrinkly bastards’5 or even ‘virtual

  6. Covid Survey 2022 - English - 040322.docx

    about the Covid-19 pandemic?(Selectallthatapply) TV news National newspaper Radio Localnewspaper Social Media Online Via friends / family National newspaper Via your care worker I don’t receive regular ... healthcarereceivedathome,pharmacyservices,sightchecks,andpodiatry.) A6. What is your experience of accessing social care in the last three months if needed?(e.g. getting an assessment for your needs, needs as a carer

  7. CRS_Aug15_Pension_freedom_guidance_advice.pdf

    to which they meet the needs of disadvantaged groups.  Pension Wise needs to be expanded, more actively promoted, and available throughout retirement. The website should include more tailored information ... over which annuity to buy, the need for active money management could last into later old age. The current turmoil in financial markets highlights the need for active management, particularly for people in

  8. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    in Europe, Japan and the USA. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006. 2 Henkens K, Schippers J. Active ageing in Europe: the role of organisations. Henkens K, Schippers J, editors. International Journal ... Rouxel P. The role of workplace accommodations in explaining the disability employment gap in the UK. Social Science & Medicine. 2021 Sep 1;285:114313. 6 Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

  9. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    in Europe, Japan and the USA. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2006. 2 Henkens K, Schippers J. Active ageing in Europe: the role of organisations. Henkens K, Schippers J, editors. International Journal ... Rouxel P. The role of workplace accommodations in explaining the disability employment gap in the UK. Social Science & Medicine. 2021 Sep 1;285:114313. 6 Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

  10. Age Cymru Advocacy Counts 5 E FINAL.pdf

    independent advocacy in the period between Advocacy Counts 4 and this report, Advocacy Counts 5. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 defines advocacy as a right for all individuals in Wales ... interactions with professionals.2 Advocacy should be considered as an inherent element of the Act to focus social care around people and their well-being.3 Advocacy Counts 5 Executive summary A review of advocacy

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