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  1. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf

    independently in their own homes.9 A 2013 survey10 of the Jewish community found that, in older age, if they were in need of care, 40% would prefer some form of independent living and 52% would prefer care ... survey, reported that their members experienced unfair treatment in every aspects of education, employment, housing, law and order and local government services covered by the survey. High levels of unfair

  2. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    others. If you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms that may be caused by coronavirus (COVID-19), then household members must stay at home and not leave your house for 14 days. If possible ... within the home. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in your house became ill. If not possible, then you should do what you can to limit your social contact when you leave the house

  3. RB_Dec16_No_one_Should_Have_No_one.pdf

    were coming to the practice because they were lonely. ‘It means I know someone is looking out for me if I need help or just advice or a chat, I know I can turn to Age UK and I know that I’m not just another ... UKs have been providing services for many years that support older people and their families and carers. These include social activities that bring people together such as coffee mornings, lunch clubs

  4. CRS_Aug15_Pension_freedom_guidance_advice.pdf

    across England also handles just over 750,000 enquiries and some offer face-to-face guidance under contract from the Money Advice Service. We offer a wide range of information guides, factsheets and content ... option. The caller was considering making a complaint and needed to know if this is within the rules. I have a small pension of £1,800. If I opt for the full amount, do I have to buy an annuity or am I able

  5. CRS_Oct15_ECC_Committee_energy_efficiency_inquiry.pdf

    slow rate, creating only a small dent in the remaining number of poorly insulated properties. Even if ECO meets its aims ‘it would only equate to topping up 4% of the lofts that could benefit from further ... firms who install the measures in people’s homes. Firms have complained about a lack of reliable contracts and fears over sudden withdrawal of ECO funding, leaving them out of pocket.10 4 5. Improving

  6. CRS_Dec13_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study.pdf

    geographic reach of bank branches continue to contract and access to products increasingly requires home internet access, more older people will find that even if they seek to proactively manage their savings ...  Getting to a bank branch  Needing assistance to physically get there – particularly problematic if multiple visits are required, or worse  Being told to come into a branch, even when bedridden  Difficulties

  7. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    actions included should assist in increasing equality for LGBTQ+ people in Wales. It would be helpful if further detail were included on how actions will be achieved. We welcome the intersectional approach ... characteristics, such as race, religion or belief, disability, age, sex, and marriage and civil partnership? If not, how can we improve this? The Plan overall addresses intersectionality but does not include all

  8. Save the winter fuel payment

    and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision. Sign our petition to save the Winter Fuel Payment If you or someone you know would like to sign the petition offline you can download a paper copy or request ... and think again . Will you support the campaign? Sign the petition to save the Winter Fuel Payment If you'd like to get more involved in the campaign, we are working with Age UK on campaigner packs which

  9. RB_Aug16_Age_UK_Briefing_Bank_Branch_Closures.pdf

    what lessons can be learned from the post-closure experience. Potential alternatives after a closure If it is not possible to persuade your local bank branch to remain open, you may be able to help ensure ... uk/Documents/EN-GB/For-professionals/Policy/moneymatters/report_age_friendly_banking.pdf?dtrk=true If you have any questions or would like future information please contact Angela Kitching, Head of External

  10. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    that life was better than it had been. Age UK’s advice line offers older people, their families and carers expert advice, practical help and a friendly ear for problems big and small across every area of ... Bennett (Green Party) and Mark Reckless (UKIP) attended the rally and explained what they would do, if elected, for older people today and in the future. In a lively debate, older people and those who

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