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  1. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    large selection of activities in the following art forms: Visual Arts, Words, Performing Arts, and Music. There are five activities in each art form, and each activity has been simplified into a step-by-step

  2. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    SN: 5050 , LGA (2014). Adult social care funding: 2014 state of the nation report. Local Government Association. Association of Directors of Adult Social Services

  3. RB_June16_Age_UK_Discharge_From_Hospital_Briefing.pdf

    000 by 2014/152.  National Audit Office Report on Discharging Older People from Hospital (2016) states a 31% increase in delayed transfers of care.  Number of days spent waiting for a package of home

  4. Action plan to end abuse and neglect of older people - October 2022.pdf

    have a role to play in preventing abuse and neglect. For example, the section at the top of page 9 states that the victim/survivor can be supported to stay in their own home and refers to target hardening

  5. CRS_Oct15_ECC_Committee_energy_efficiency_inquiry.pdf

    may have concerns over repaying the loan. 6.3 Evidence from other countries supports this. The US state of Oregon tested different messages when marketing its energy efficiency programme, finding that comfort

  6. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    pilot stage of the project, we recorded the residents voice via Zoom and recoding their faces in the form of 2D and 3D portraits. There is no doubt that the portraits were a real hook for the care homes to ... language. Theme 2 Sense of belonging – To feel part of things Opportunities to maintain and/or form meaningful and reciprocal relationships, to feel part of a community or group as desired. To be able

  7. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Transport_infrastructure.pdf

    health and well-being and reduces pressure on the NHS and care services. Buses are the most popular form of public transport for older people – 32% of people over 60 take a bus at least once a week. In 2013

  8. Survey v5.docx

    informs)Helping with paperwork or financial matters (Such as writing letters, sending cards, fillingin forms, dealing with bills, banking) Other practical help (Things like preparing meals, doing shopping,

  9. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    272786), and their trading and other associated companies merged on 1 April 2009. Together they have formed the Age UK Group, dedicated to improving the lives of people in later life. The three national Age ... Concerns in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales have also merged with Help the Aged in these nations to form three registered charities: Age Scotland, Age NI and Age Cymru. ID9545 10/10 Age UK Astral House,

  10. Walking_Football-Qualitative_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    breaks in playing the game to rest and socialise which suited their participants as each had some form of dementia Outcome 2: Successful Delivery Model (2) Older people participating found the walking

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