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  1. RB_Oct16_Ageing_in_squalor_and_distress_report.pdf

    figures for the amount of housing wealth owned by older people, with one estimate putting the figure at £1.28 trillion1. But these reports can obscure the fact that more than 21 per cent of older people over ... all2. This percentage is likely to grow as increasing numbers of older people find themselves living in rented property. Around 75 per cent of households aged 65+ are owner-occupiers, with most owning their

  2. CRS_May16_Multimorbidity_clinical_assessment_and_management.pdf

    Please return to: [insert email address] Please read the checklist for submitting comments at the end of this form. We cannot accept forms that are not filled in correctly. We would like to hear your views ... practical resources or national initiatives, or examples of good practice.) See section 3.9 of Developing NICE guidance: how to get involved for suggestions of general points to think about when commenting. Stakeholder

  3. CRS_March12_Charging_fees_in_ET_and_EAT.pdf

    reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy ... Ministry of Justice consultation paper examines possible options for introducing a system of fee charging into the Employment Tribunal and appeals system. The stated aim is to ensure users of the Tribunals

  4. Supporting you to be heard leaflet (ew5).pdf

    Why might I or someone I know need an advocate? Because… • Sometimes I don’t understand the information people give me about my care and support • I think I might need help but I don’t know how to go ... me especially when lots of people are telling me what would be best for me. • I need someone independent to help me say how I feel • Sometimes I struggle to remember information, which means that making

  5. Keeping well at home.pdf

    home There are number of things that people can do to help stay mentally and physically well whilst at home. As a ‘Friend’ you could help the person you’re supporting be aware of what could help them stay ... undertaking housework with a bit more gusto, or finding a workout that works for them. There are a variety of exercises that can be done from home for all abilities. Below are some suggestions from NHS Wales for

  6. 6 myths about claiming Attendance Allowance

    Allowance because they mistakenly believe they don’t qualify or are put off by the claims process. Do any of these apply to you? 1. ‘My claim was turned down’ Your circumstances may have changed since the last ... You don’t have to spend Attendance Allowance on a carer. Many older people spend it on other types of help in the home, or equipment to help them stay independent. 5. ‘I don’t have a carer’ You don’t need

  7. Safe_to_be_me.pdf

    1 Safe to be me Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services A resource pack for professionals 2 Foreword ‘The staff in the home very rarely ... after so many years of hiding. She didn’t push but she gave plenty of positive messages that she didn’t have a problem. At 78 I finally feel I’m safe to be me.’ Julie The contrast of these two experiences

  8. Age Cymru Hope Project Leaflet NATIONAL + QPM BILINGUAL - update Dec22.pdf

    confidential. That means we’ll always talk to you before discussing your information with anyone else. We’ll keep your information safe and you have the right to see your own records. We’ll support you ... you to have access to them if you wish. If you feel you’re at risk of harm, abuse or neglect, we can look at ways to help you feel safe. We welcome all feedback about our service. If you have any comments

  9. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy ... enabling people to remain independent as they age is an investment that will be amply repaid in terms of savings to healthcare and income support services, and we pick up this theme throughout this submission

  10. Fair Work Commission call for evidence on fair work in Wales - November 2018.pdf

    in Wales November 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives ... future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Fair Work Commission’s call for evidence

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